Behavioural Sciences Flashcards
What is an endemic?
Usual, expected rate of disease over time; disease is maintained without much variation within a region
What is an epidemic?
Occurrence of disease in excess of the expected rate; usually presents in a larger geographic span than endemics
What is a pandemic?
Worldwide epidemic
Epidemic curve?
Visual description (commonly histogram) of an epidemic curve is disease cases plotted against time; classic signature of an epidemic is a “spike” in time
What is the disease rate?
Actual cases/potential cases
Rates are generally by how many people?
Incidence rate is the rate at which
New events occur in a population
New/at risk
Attack rate is the
Cummulative incidence of infection in a group of people observed over a period of time during an epidemic, usually in relation to food-borne illness
Beginning of outbreak to end