Behavioural management in children Flashcards
what is dental anxiety?
> Fear of pain or its anticipation
> Lack of trust, fear of betrayal
> Fear of loss of control
> Fear of the unknown
> Fear of intrusion
what is dental dear?
A reaction to a specific external threatening stimulus: this is a normal reaction to threatening stimuli in the dental situation
what are dental behaviour management problems ?
Uncooperative and disruptive behaviours resulting in delay of treatment or rendering treatment impossible
what are dental fears at the different age ranges?
> 9-12m = Loud noise. Separation
> 2-4 yrs = Imaginary objects
> 4 yrs = Dark. Unknown
> 5-6 yrs = Social and school fears
> 6-16 yrs = Injury, death, natural events, social anxiety
what is a dental Phobia?
> A special kind of fear out of proportion to the demands of the situation which will not respond to reason
> it is apparently beyond voluntary control and leads to the avoidance of dental treatment where this is necessary.
what are the complications of dental anxiety?
> Stress = for the Patient, Parent and clinical staff
> Compromises provision of dental care
> Persistence of unfavourable attitude into adulthood leading to avoidance.
what is the exogenous (things that have happened) aetiology behind dental anxiety?
> Previous dental treatment
> Dental health status
> Parental dental anxiety
> Siblings/peers
what is endogenous aetiology behind dental anxiety?
> Gender
> general fears
> personality type
how do you recognise dental anxiety?
> Clinical affect
> Ask accompanying adult
> Ask child
> Questionnaires
- MCDASf |( most common)
- Venham’s Picture test
- CFSS-Dental Subscale
what are the different types of child dental patients?
> Co-operative
> Potentially co-operative
> Lacking in co-operative ability
- Specific disability affecting ability to cooperate
> Pre co-operative
- The very young
how do you set up for a child friendly practice?
> Pre-appointment information
> Child friendly waiting area
> See patient on time
> Consider introductory visit
> Good communication skills
what are signs of verbal and non verbal positive communication?
> Respect
> Show interest in the child as an individual
> Give well-stated instructions
> Communicate at child’s level
> Focus on +ve
> Show ethnic, cultural and gender sensitivity.
what are the verbal principles of communication?
> Be understandable
> Questioning
> Listening
> Reassure
> Praise
> Humour
what are the non verbal principles of communication?
> Body language
> Proximity-personal space
> Eye contact
> Reinforcers
> Level and posture
> Empathy
what methods are used for dealing with a Childs dental anxiety?
> Tell-Show-Do (eg. 3 in 1)
> Reinforcement
> Parents
> Behaviour Shaping
> Voice control
> Distraction
> Modelling
> Other methods
> Desensitisation