Behavioral Science Flashcards
What technique is used to communicate an accurate medication list given to a pt in the emergency room who is then transferred to the icu?
Medication reconciliation
What is the equation for Odds Ratio
What is the equation for Relative Risk
What is the equation for Attributable Risk
(A/A+B) - (C/C+D)
What is the equation for Relative Risk Reduction
RR = (A/A+B)/(C/C+D)
What is the equation for Absolute Risk reduction
ARR = (C/C+D) - (A/A+B)
What is the equation for Number Needed to Treat
What is the equation for Number Needed to harm
NNH = 1/AR
What type of bias is Case controlled studies especially susceptible to?
Recall Bias - retrospective data collection
What is it called when a person under study changes their behavior because they know they are being observed?
Hawthorne Effect
What is it called when a physician is paid a contracted rate for each member assigned regardless of the number or nature of services provided?
What is the Power of a clinical study? What else can be calculated from this
Power = 1-Beta Beta = probability a type II error has occured
Which court case set the precedent for obtaining informed consent?
Schloendorff v Society of New York Hospital
What does Medicare:
1. part A
2. part B
pay for?
- inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing, hospice, some home health care
- Outpatient care, physical therapy, occupational therapy
25 year old presents with complaints of HA, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, urinary frequency. BP 180/100. labs shows hypokalemia, elevated renin, aldosterone.
Kidney biopsy: monotonous polygonal cells with entrapped normal tubules.
Juxtaglomerular cell tumor
- -rare kidney tumor that affects adolescents and young adults
- grossly, tumor is well circumscribed with fibrous capsule, yellow/gray-tan color and frequent hemorrhage.
tumor cells stain positive for renin, vimentin, CD34
What is the histological appearance of PSGN? Immunofluorescence?
enlarge hypercellular glomeruli with subepithelial humps
IF: IgG, C3 deposits in diffuse granular pattern “starry sky”
PMN present in large numbers
which test is used to compare the means of two normally distributed populations?
Which test can be used to determine if there is different in the mean between three or more groups of normally distributed populations?
What is the immunological sequence of events in the mechanism of an asthma attack?
initial stimulation causes CD4 Th2 cells to release IL-4 to stimulate IgE production and IL-5 to activate eosinophils.
What is the most appropriate initial monotherapy for Community acquired pneumonia (S. pneumo, H influ, M catarrhalis) in the inpatient setting?
Doxycycline or respiratory quinolones (levofloxacin)
outpt: azithromycin
Husband refuses an emergency C-section for this unconscious wife that will save her/her child’s life. You can override his decision based on which principle?
Paternalism - when patient/surrogate decision maker are deemed unreasonable or dangerous to patient.
What is are the advantages and disadvantages of Case-control studies
advantage - require few subjects, can be used to study rare diseases
disadvantages - make it difficult to make conclusions about correlations
What is the technique:
testing to identify sample RNA:
RNA is cut into fragments by endonucleases, electrophoresed on gel and transferred to a filter. filter is soaked in denaturant and exposed to DNA probe
Northern Blot
What is the type of bias called where the outcome of a study is affected by the researchers personal beliefs of the efficacy of a treatment?
Pygmalion effect
What is the ethical principle behind continuing morphine administration to a dying patient in spite of sedation and respiratory depression?
what is the most common cause of death during the age of 45-64?
What is the most common cause of death 65+?
Heart disease