Before Excavation Flashcards
Paragraph 1 - satellite imagery
Launch of Google Earth in 2005 helped. Reaching inaccessible places making them public. Good and bad - looting etc.
Needs to be resolution photos. Free
Paragraph 2 - aerial photography
Shadows/ highlights /cropmarks can show up. No invasive. However photos cannot tell state of preservation of remains within the soil. Helicopters and planes expensive.
Drones technology new- popular but can it replace older techniques. They are cheaper but to get clearer photos that can be used can expensive.
Paragraph 3 - field survey. *
Walkover surveys and field walking. Building a coherent gis layer. Important to see if need to be excavated. Using modern day equipment. More sophisticated view by correlating artefacts scatters with geophysical anomalies
Sweeping ground for artefacts and shards etc.
Paragraph 4 - geophysical survey
Resistivity of electoral current being passed through the ground.
Magnetometry - flucations in intensity of the earth’s magnetic field. Example of Stanton drew. This could alter perceptions of the past landscapes.
Soil sensing combination with landscape analysis good for understanding post war landscape changes - raise new questions concerning the management and policy of conflict landscapes.
Emi sensor - electoral conductivity characterising soil material. Even fireplaces etc.
Combination of the two aerial is vital and some can be missed with one.
Emi - can leave traces barbed wire entangled and canvas screens.
Historical Aerial Photography and Multi‐receiver EMI Soil Sensing, Complementing Techniques for the Study of a Great War Conflict Landscape
Wouter Gheyle,Timothy Saey,Yannick Van Hollebeeke 2016
Sweep widths and the detection of artifacts in archaeological survey e.B.Banning Alicia L.Hawkins S.T.Stewart 2011