BEC - Corporate Governance Flashcards
Internal control
Internal Control is a process - effected by the entity’s BoD, mgmt, and other personnel - designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:
- Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
- Reliability of financial and nonfinancial reporting
Compliance w/applicable laws and regulations
General objectives of internal control
- Safeguard assets of the firm
- Promote efficiency of the firm’s operations
- Measure compliance w/mgmt’s prescribed policies and procedures
Ensure accuracy and reliability of accounting records and info:
- ID and record all valid transactions
- Provide timely info in appropriate detail to permit proper classification and financial reporting
- Accurately measure the financial value of transactions
- Accurately record transactions in the time period in which they occurred
the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) “Cube” model has 3 dimensions w/respect to internal control
- What is internal control (i.e. fundamental components)
- Why we have internal control (goals and objectives)
- Where we have internal control
What is Internal Control? (5 components)
- Control - mgmt’s philosophy toward controls, organizational structure, system of authority -> this component is the core of any system of internal control
- Risk assessment - the process of IDing, analysing, and managing the risks involved in achieving the organization’s objectives
- Information and communication - the info and communication systems that enable an organization’s ppl to ID, process, and exchange the info needed to manage and control operations
- Monitoring - to ensure the ongoing reliability of info, it’s necessary to monitor and test the system and its data
- Control activities - the policies and procedures that ensure that actions are taken to address the risks related to the achievement of mgmt’s objectives
Why Do We Have Internal Control? (3 components)
- Operations - The effective and efficient use of an organization’s resources in pursuit of its core mission
- Reporting - Preparing and disseminating timely and reliable info, including financial and nonfinancial info, internal and external reports
- Compliance - complying w/applicable laws and regulations
Control Environment (5 principles)
- Commitment to integrity and ethical values
- BoD demonstrates independence of management, and oversees the development and monitoring of internal control
- Mgmt establishes organizational structures, reporting lines, and appropriate authorities
- Competence - the organization will commit to attracting and retaining competent individuals
- Accountability - The organization holds individuals accountable for their internal control responsibilities
Risk assessment (4 principles)
- Objectives - The organization specifies objectives w/sufficient clarity to enable the ID and assessment of risks that threaten the achievement of objectives
- Assessment - Basically risk assessment
- Fraud - the organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing risks to the achievement of objectives
- Change management - The organization IDs and assesses changes in the external environment and new leadership
Control Activities (3 principles)
- Risk reduction - Organization control activities reduce the risks to the achievement of objectives to an acceptable level
- Technology controls - The organization selects and implements general controls over technology, which support the achievement of its objectives
- Policies - The organization deploys control activities through policies and procedures that establish stakeholder expectations
Information and Communication (3 principles)
- Quality - Relevant, high quality info supports internal control processes
- Internal - internal communication supports internal control processes
- External - communication w/outsiders support internal control processes
Monitoring Activities (2 principles)
- Ongoing and periodic - ongoing and separate evaluations to evaluate the functionality of the internal controls
- Address deficiencies
Management’s philosophy and operating style is a factor of…
the control environment
What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?
ERN is the culture, capabilities, and practices by which organizations manage risk to create, preserve, and realize value (performance)
A major aspect of an enterprise risk management system is the alignment of management risk taking with shareholder risk appetite.
According to COSO controls systems fail for all of the following reasons except:
They are properly designed and implemented but mgmt overrides them making them ineffective
COSO defines risk as neutral (neither positive nor negative)