Beacon Code Assignment Flashcards
When must an aircraft be equipped with an operable transponder with mode C altitude reporting capability?
At and above 10,000 feet MSL excluding airspace at and below 2,500 ft AGL and in class A B and C airspace
What must be done if Mode C fails above 10,000 ft MSL?
Advise a manager and coordinate with the next sector.
What is a Mode?
The letter or number assigned to a specific pulse spacing of radio signals transmitted or received by ground interrogator or airborne transponder components of the ATC Radar Beacon System
What is the application of Mode 3/A, Mode C, and Mode S?
- Mode 3/A- military and ATC common use (used by ATC for target tracking and identification)
- Mode C- civil use (ATC altitude reporting)
- Mode S- traffic alert and collision avoidance system TCAS
Assign beacon codes to Mode __ equipped aircraft only.
What is a discrete code?
Beacon code that does not end in 00
Give first preference to ____ codes.
Discrete codes, issue computer-assigned codes (may be
modified as required) and make handoffs on the computer assigned codes
What is a non-discrete code?
Beacon codes which end in 00
What is NBCAP Airspace?
The airspace over the US territory located within the north
American continent between Canada and Mexico, including adjacent territorial waters outward to abut boundaries of oceanic control areas/flight information regions
Each ARTCC is allocated…?
Discrete codes
What are the primary goals of the NBCAP?
Minimize code changes and retain same code from departure to destination
When can you request a code change?
Only when the aircraft is in your area of responsibility unless specified in an LOA, coordinated at the time of the handoff, or VFR aircraft requests radar service (coordinate ASAP after the aircraft is identified and prior to issuing control instruction or providing a service other than a safety/traffic advisory) this prevents inaccurate radar tracking
What advantages does a discrete beacon code assignment provide the controller?
It allows the system to automatically recognize or identify the aircraft assigned that code
What is the emergency squawk code?
Assign a code of 7700 is a pilot declares an emergency and is not radar-identified (EMRG blinks in the data block)
When can you request an aircraft to change from 7700 to the appropriate discrete or function code? And what is the exception to this rule?
- After radio and radar contact are established. The code change will signify to other radar facilities that the emergency aircraft is identified and under ATC control.
- Do not request a code change from a single piloted helicopter or single piloted turbojet aircraft.
What is the code for radio failure and what blinks in the data block?
7600 and RDOF
What are lost communication procedures?
- Use all appropriate means to reestablish communication such as; emergency frequencies, voice capability equipped NAVAIDS, FSS, Aeronautical Radio Inc.
- Use transponder or turns to verify receipt of transmissions.
What two types of aircraft continue on the emergency code even after radio and radar contact have been established?
Single piloted helicopter or single piloted turbojet aircraft
When do you issue a code of 1200 to VFR aircraft?
When not working an ATC facility, IFR aircraft cancels IFR flight plan and does not request radar advisories, radar services being terminated
What must be done when an aircraft changes from VFR to IFR?
Ensure Mode C aircraft are assigned a beacon code to allow Terrain Alert Volume alarms
When do you issue a computer assigned code to a VFR aircraft?
When they are receiving radar advisories
What might VFR aircraft not in contact with ATC facilities squawk?
- 1255- while en route to/from/within designated fire fighting areas
- 1277- while on search and rescue missions from US air force and US coast guard while en route to/from/within designated search areas
What codes show up as VFR aircraft on terminal radar equipment?
All 1200 series codes both discrete and non-discrete
The radar team shall continuously monitor what Mode 3/A radar beacon codes assigned from use by aircraft within your area of responsibility?
• 1200- VFR (unless your area is only class A airspace)
• 1255- Fire fighting aircraft
• 1277- SAR aircraft
• 4000- Fast maneuvering military aircraft (at positions of
operation that contain a Restricted or Warning Area and VR
Route within or immediately adjacent to their area of jurisdiction)
• These codes should be entered into the sector code list by the radar controller
What do you do if an assigned beacon code disappears and re-identification is not possible?
Notify your supervisor
What must be done when an assigned beacon code is not being displayed or transponder appears to be inoperative/malfunctioning?
Inform the aircraft and coordinate with the next facility
What do you do when you want an aircraft to turn on/off the automatic altitude reporting on its transponder?
Inform the aircraft (not all aircraft have the capability to
disengage the altitude squawk independently from the beacon code assignment)
Inaccurate or inoperative mode C May require ___ and/or ___?
May require coordination and/or an equipment suffix update