BDOC Cert Flashcards
When will an SF Patrol withdraw from an unauthorized aircraft landing situation?
If positive identification is made and the aircraft is cleared, BDOC will inform; when clearance is made, and Base Ops will make customs clearance.
Personnel wanting to take photography inside the restricted area must obtain and an authorization letter from whom?
The unit security manager which is signed by the commander of the controlled area.
When a duress situation is initiated what will you ensure your patrolman’s following actions be?
Initiate a Security incident, Challenge all individuals and place them at a disadvantage, call for back-up if needed, separate the person who initiated the duress, and apprehend the suspect who put the person under duress.
When will the new sign and countersign be affected?
Monthly starting at 0001
Where does proprietary jurisdiction apply to HAFB?
Housing area south of Mesquite, West gate, the area west of Bare base, the road leading to La Luz gate
What would cause a RVI to be cancelled or terminated early?
Mission requirements, inclement weather, or heavy traffic
What will you ensure if a post reports classified material is found during an RVI?
- Check for the courier letter or DD Form 2501
- Secure the classified material,
- Notify the Unit Security Manager or supervisor, security program manager, OSI, and AFJIS report completed.
What must you ensure your patrols complete when an unauthorized runway incursion occurs?
1168 Statement
AFJIS Report
2708 Receipt for inmate or detained person
All radio frequencies are subject to monitoring by which government agency, and what should you ensure should not be transmitted over the net?
- FCC Federal Communications Commission
- No profanity or obscene language
- No Music
Give these examples of priority 5 in regard to restricted area response?
- GCS Area
- AA&E
- Funds facilities storing 100,000 or more
- Funds facilities storing under 100,000 or GAF
- Medical/Pharmacy
- SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities
- Classified Storage Facilities
What is the difference between Child Abuse and Child Neglect?
Child abuse is contact between a child and an adult or juvenile having power over that child. In comparison, neglect is the act of omission that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or emotional harm to the child.
Define Domestic Disturbance.
Any incident involving a household member and or child that does not include physical violence and damage to government/private property that occurred within the confines of the installation
Define Domestic violence.
Any incident involving a household member and a child that involves physical violence and damage to government/private property that occurred within the confines of the installation
What should you instruct your escorting patrol to do if an alarm activation occurs during a funds escort?
- Proceed with the funds’ escort via the most direct route and secure the funds
- If the alarm is at the final destination, return to the starting location and secure the funds
What are the primary and alternative routes for a Munitions escort?
Primary: West Gate, 49er Ave, Kelly Rd, Douglass Rd to NMSA
Alternate: West Gate, 11th Street, Delaware Ave, Sabre Rd, NMSA
What classifies a vehicle accident as a Major?
- Injury or fatality, damage to gov or private property exceeding $10,000, disabled vehicle, or when drugs or alcohol are involved.
What actions should be taken if a military member refuses to an RVI?
Member will be apprehended for violation of the UCMJ Article 92; BDOC will contact SJA to obtain search authorization for the vehicle, fill out 1176, and signed by the approving search authority
During a mass evacuation of the base, what could you relay to the IEC to expedite traffic exiting the installation?
- Remove the bollards in the inbound lane to allow traffic flow.
What will be initiated if duress is initiated on a post or patrol and the situation directly affects a PL resource?
- A Security Incident
What is Security Forces Authentication Used for?
Verify the status or initiate or terminate exercises and responses
Which laws may Security Forces enforce in Areas of Exclusive Jurisdiction?
What is an Amber Alert?
- A message notifying the public a child under the age of 18 has been abducted (2 hours)
You receive a complaint a child has been abducted what are your actions?
- Stop all traffic both inbound and outbound
- Initiate and Amber Alert through NMLETS immediately
- Notify all patrols with known information
- Notify gates of Stop/Check and pass (outbound)
What are the Phases of a Domestic Disturbance/Violence Situation?
- Notification
- Response
- Entry
- Initial Contact
- Investigatory
- Apprehension
If a patrol suspects child abuse has occurred, how should they interview the child?
- Away from the parents, ask open-ended questions and let the child guide the interview, speak to them at their level, and offer them a toy or something they feel safe with.
Explain the procedures for a patrol on a civilian adult dependent caught shoplifting.
- Search the Individual
- Detain them
- Seize ID Card
- Seize evidence via AF FM 52
- Issue AAFES Suspension letter
- Complete statements with AAFES personnel
- Complete 1805
- Repeat offender issue barment letter
- Release on own recognition
If two or more funds escorts are required in a day for the same facility, what should you ensure your patrols to do?
- Take a different route each time
What determines if a response is warranted for a minor vehicle accident?
- Flight Sergeant
If an unauthorized aircraft lands on the installation, who will you obtain authority from before searching the aircraft or its passengers?
- Installation Commander
- Higher Authority
When should medical be called for and Alcohol Related Incident?
- Individual registers a .20% or higher on the intoxilyzer
- Displays questionable behavior
- SFSTs were terminated due to the safety of the officer or the individual
What are your actions if a military member refuses to submit to sobriety testing?
Coordinate with SJA and the WG/CC for authorization, charge with ART 92, complete 1176/authority to search and seize, and have the approval authority sign it immediately.
What are your actions if a Civilian refuses to submit to a sobriety test?
Contact SJA and WG/CC to complete AFJIS reports, 1920 and 1168 from the subject and issue an an1805 for disorderly conduct.
During a telephone recall what are the BDOC controllers responsibilities?
- Notify the DFC of the recall
- Notify FC and Patrols of recall and dispatch patrols to assist in the dorms
- Notify Armory
- Dispatch patrols to Assist S4 with vehicles
- Implement the appropriate FPCON measures
Where is the emergency key located for the command post located?
For Funds escorts and munitions escorts how often will status checks be conducted?
- Funds 3 mins
- Munitions 2 mins
What are the immediate procedures for duress on the command post?
- Dispatch two patrols to establish 360 and notify the flight chiefs to assume Command and Control
- Dispatch additional patrols to establish/sweep the inner cordon and use MWD if available
- Initiate a Security Incident to the 19th AF and get the status of WG/CC and if he is in the building, notify the Vice Commander or next highest person not in the facility
- Use the Command Post emergency key to make an entry
What actions should you accomplish if a civilian refuses RVI?
Request ID from the individual and conduct a walk around looking for plain-view contraband; if contraband is found, contact SJA for guidance, and deny access to the installation.
Regarding a gate runner, what would classify the suspect as an uncontained and contained gate runner?
- Uncontained: The barriers fail to deploy and the personnel flees the scene, to include on foot
- Contained: The barriers were deployed and stopped the vehicle
What are the established choke points?
- Paint Shack, Tango-1, Tango-2 and King 1
- Or in tactical advantageous positions
What are choke points used for?
To deny access to the Flight line, which is the main priority when establishing choke points or other resources on the installation
What will you use to verify if someone’s driving privileges are suspended or revoked?
(NCIC) National Crime Information Center
What actions should be taken if a patrol can’t correctly identify the main entrance to a facility during duress or intrusion alarm?
Have your patrols designate post numbers and ensure they radio them to responding forces
Regarding a building alarm, what will you instruct the alarm custodian to exit the facility after you receive a proper authentication?
- Exit the facility with their ID card in their right hand and make contact with the SF Patrol
How can Active Duress be initiated?
- Button/Pedal
- Using the current duress word in normal conversation
How can Passive duress be initiated?
- Failing to follow SOP or patrolling in the wrong sector
- Mis-authenticating/authenticating incorrectly
After you announce “Code 9,” how much time will you let pass until you verify status checks, and what will you consider a patrol if they don’t respond?
- 30 seconds/ Under Duress
How often will duress words be changed and their classification?
Every 6 months or if they are compromised (FOUO) or (CUI)
What will be accomplished for all incidents in which SF responds, and a crime has occurred or in situations dictated by S3O?
- AFJIS Report
In reference to the airfield where is sector 1 located?
- South of runway 25 and east of 34
Which sector requires periodic foot patrols in common areas to prevent crimes, theft, and vandalism?
Sector 1
In reference to the airfield where is sector 3 located?
- North of runway 7 and west of runway 16
In reference to the airfield where is sector 4 located?
- North of runway 25 and east of runway 16
What is the main resource in Sector 2?
- F-16 Aircraft
What will cause stop, check and pass procedures to be implemented?
- Amber Alerts, Alarm Activations, Security Incidents
When will barrier testing be accomplished?
- Sunday between 0100-0400
What is cause for a Safe Haven Storage?
A Natural disaster, civil disorder, hostile actions, or other emergency
What are SF Response Codes?
- Code 1 Routine Response
- Code 2 Urgent Response
- Code 3 Emergency Response
- Code 4 Wants and Warrants
- Code 5 Traffic Stop
- Code 6 Latrine Break
- Code 7 Chow Break
- Code 8 Suspect in Custody
- Code 9 Change Frequency
- Code 10 Secure
- Code 11 Alarm Activation
- Code 12 Funds Escort
- Code 13 Immediate Assistance
- Code 14 Munitions Escort
What are the open Areas on the RAB?
- Open Area 4 Command Post
- Open Area 5 GCS
- Open Area 8 MMG Main Ramp
- Open Area 9 West Ramp Restricted Area
- Open Area 12 West Ramp Controlled Area
- Open Area 14 Test Group/North Ramp
- Open Area 15 NMSA
- Open Area 19 German AF Ramp
- Open Area 20 Telephone/Exchange Room
Estimated time for bruises?
- Red Immediately/Few Hours
- Blue 6/12 Hours
- Purple 12/24 Hours
- Green 4/6 Days
- Yellow 5/10 Days
What is a Fresh Pursuit?
Pursuit by an officer to prevent the escape or effect arrest of any person suspected of committing or having committed a crime. Authorized by Flight Chief
Signs of DWI?
- Straddling center lane
- Almost striking an Object or Vehicle
- Weaving
- Driving off the roadway
- Swerving
- Stopping without a cause
- Tires on center lane
- Braking erratically
- Driving in the opposite direction
- Slow response to traffic signals
- Headlights off
What gives SF the authority to apprehend?
Manual for Court Martial (MCM) Rule 302 Article 7b
Four primary authorities of SF?
- Detaining or detention is used for dealing with civilian personnel under Article 2 of UCMJ
- Apprehension is the equivalent of an arrest
- Reporting SF is responsible for preparing a detailed account of the violations/situation
- Correcting SF personnel have the authority to correct, caution, or warn a member
What are the two Jurisdictions on HAFB?
- Exclusive: Federal government has acquired from the state the sole authority to enforce the law
- Proprietary: Federal government has the same rights as a property owner and tenants are subject to NMSA
What is an NDA?
- National Defense Area/ Aircraft crashes outside of the installation becomes federal territory
What is NMLETS?
New Mexico Law Enforcement Terminal System any information received is privileged information and will not be released to any other person other than SF, SJA, or OSI unless authorized by the DFC
What is the max number of guests on a visitor log?
What is the form required to enter controlled areas?
AF 1109
How long before changing channels do you initiate the routine comms status checks?
30 Seconds
What happens when all the channels are jammed on the radio?
ISRT will go mobile, and ESRT and patrols will make telephone contact every 10 minutes until terminated.
What are the two emergency duties of the BDOC controller?
- Implement the QRCs when situations arise.
- Monitor the duress code system.
When do you make notifications to the Chain of Command?
When the BDOC controller has enough information.
Who must be notified if we contact cc at the MSG level or higher?
Our chain has to be backbriefed
What is an FPCAM?
The FPCON Alert Message is a down channel report of the current FPCON
Where does the FPCAM come from?
The Command Post
What are the Integrated Base Defense Concepts?
See first, understand first, and act first.
What are the open area numbers?
Areas 4, 5, 8, 9,12, 14, 15, 19, and 20