State the situations that may cause FATIGUE
- Operating in extreme conditions
- Eye Strain
- Maintaining Balance
- Stress
- Exposure to Noise
- Exposure to Sun
- Poor Physical Condition
- Lack of Sleep
- Bordem
Crewman Responsibilities
"LAST HALO" L - Line Handling A - Administer First Aid S - Surface Swimmer T - Tow Watch H - Helmsman A - Anchor Watch L - Lookout O - Operate Damage Control Equipment
In addition, assist with navigation.
What are some SYMPTOMS of FATIGUE
- Inability to focus or concentrate/narrowed attention span.
- Mental confusion or judgment error.
- Decreased coordination of motor skills and sensory ability (hearing, seeing).
- Increased irritability.
- Decreased performance.
- Decreased concern for safety.
What are some PREVENTATIVE measures for FATIGUE?
- Adequate rest.
- Appropriate dress for weather conditions.
- Rotating crew duties.
- Providing food and refreshments suitable for conditions.
- Observing other crewmembers for signs of fatigue.
What are the UNDERWAY FATIGUE LIMITS in regards to time a asset can be underway? (Vessel 40 FT and Above)
Vessels 40FT and ABOVE
(Within a 24 hour Period)
Seas < 4’ = 10 Hours
Seas > 4’ = 8 Hours
Heavy WX = 6 Hours
Heavy wx = 8’ sea or above (or) 30 kts sustained winds.
What are the UNDERWAY FATIGUE LIMITS in regards to time a asset can be underway? (Vessel 30-39 FT)
Vessels 30-39FT
Within a 24 hour Period
Seas < 4’ = 8 Hours
Seas > 4’ = 6 Hours
Heavy WX = N/A
What are the UNDERWAY FATIGUE LIMITS in regards to time a asset can be underway? (Vessel < 30 FT)
Vessels < 30FT
Within a 24 hour Period
Seas < 4’ = 8 Hours
Seas > 4’ = 6 Hours
Heavy WX = N/A
How many hours of adequate rest must a crew have within a 24 Hour period?
8 Hours of Adequate rest.
What are “Critical Hours” ?
Critical Hours is the period of time between 2300 to 0500, where if operating during this period the crewman would be subject to “SLEEP DEBT”
This range of hours has been shown to have the highest probability of having a mishap occur.
Explain the “SLEEP DEBT” Table & Hours
During missions occurring within Critical Hours (2300-0500),
if personnel have less than:
- 6 Hours, uninterrupted sleep, they receive + 6hrs.
if personnel have more than:
- 6 Hours, but less than 8hr, they receive + 2hrs.
The total amount of sleep SHALL reach 8 hours within a 24 hour period.
You fall asleep at TAPS (2200), at 0400 the Search & Rescue alarm sounds and you get underway. Completing the mission, you’ve returned at 0630.
How long do you get to sleep?
2200-0400 = 6 Hours, Uninterrupted Rest
You would receive +2 hours of Sleep Debt Time.
If you returned at 0630, you may rest til 0830.
You fall asleep at TAPS (2200), at 0345 the Search & Rescue alarm sounds and you get underway. Completing the mission, you’ve returned at 0630.
How long do you get to sleep?
2200-0345 = 5.25 Hours, Uninterrupted Rest
You would receive +6 hours of Sleep Debt Time.
If you returned at 0630, you may rest til 1230.
Define Motion Sickness
Nausea caused by an imbalance between visual images and the portion of the middle ear that senses motion.
SYMPTOMS of Motion Sickness
- Nausea and vomiting,
- Increased salivation,
- Unusual paleness,
- Sweating,
- Drowsiness,
- Overall weakness,
- Stomach discomfort
PREVENTION of Motion Sickness (w/o Medication)
• Stay out of confined spaces,
• Stay above deck in the fresh air,
• Avoid concentrating on the movement of the boat
by looking out over the water toward the horizon
or shoreline,
• Avoid smoking.
Example(s) of Medication for Motion Sickness
- Scopolamine Patches (on skin, normally behind ear)
- Anti-Motion Medication can be prescribed by a Doctor
- Over-Counter Products, (Dramamine, Bromine)
- Supplements of Ginger (Natural Alternative)
Best Practice to take 12-24 hrs prior mission.
When should you NOT take Motion Sickness Medication?
- Prescribed strength without medical supervision,
- Within 12 hours of Alcohol Consumption
- Pregnancy
TCT, Team Coordination Training
Seven Human Factors
- Situational Awareness
- Assertiveness
- Decision Making
- Communication
- Leadership
- Adaptability & Flexibility
- Mission Analysis
GAR 2.0 (General Assessment of Risk)
Planning (Coordination and Execution)
Event (Complexity of the Evolution, Mission)
Asset Crew (Crew Experience, Qualifications)
Asset Cutter/Small Boat (Status, Outfitting, Equipment)
Communication/Comms. (Channels/Freq/Radio Guard)
Environment (Weather/Tides/Currents)