cylindrical or elliptical pipe or casting in a vessel’s hull
through which the anchor rode runs.
Ground Tackle
A general term for the anchor, anchor rodes, fittings, etc.,
used for securing a vessel at anchor.
Mooring Bitt
A post or cleat through or on the deck of a vessel used to
secure an anchor rode or other line to the vessel.
The rode is the line from the boat to the anchor and is usually made up of a
length of line plus a short length of chain. Large vessels may use an allchain
rode. Each element of the system must be connected to its neighbor in
a strong and dependable manner.
The ratio of the length of the anchor rode to the vertical
distance from the bow chocks to the bottom (depth plus
height of bow chocks above water).
Calm 5:1
Moderate 7:1
Heavy 10:1
Vertical Load
The lifting force placed on the bow of the vessel by its
anchor rode.
(04) Main Safety Reasons to Anchor
(01) Engine failure,
(02) Need to stay outside of a breaking inlet or bar,
(03) To weather a storm,
(04) To hold position while passing gear to a disabled vessel
Fittings connected to the Anchor Rode
Shackle, Swivel, Thimble, Chafing Chain (optional) detachable link
What’s a Shackle?
Bends the length of chafing chain to the shank of the
anchor. Can also be used to connect other pieces of
ground tackle together (swivels, thimbles, etc.).
What’s a Swivel?
Allows the vessel to rotate around the anchor without
twisting the line/chain.
What’s a Thimble?
Protects the anchor line from chafing at the connection
Hierarchy of Ground Types (Best to Poor)
Where can you find a ground/bottom type characteristic for anchoring?
On the nautical chart within the depth contours normally marked iaw with ‘Chart One’ i.e. rock “rk” Coral “Co”
How should you approach an anchorage?
Bow into the prodominent elements. (wind/current) remember 30kts of wind is equal to 01kt of current.
When lowering the Anchor what action is important to maintain control of the line?
visable to take a
working turn on the forward bitt or cleat to maintain control of the rode. If
anchoring in a strong wind or current, the anchor rode may not be held with
hands alone.