bcf_deck_1144226 Flashcards
A process of human being responding to verbal and non-verbal behavior. A human survival skill needed to maintain contact with the world.
What is communication?
Principles of Communication
- Communication is constant2. Communication is transactional3. Communication is a process4. Communication is Irreversible5. Communication is Learned
There is not a moment when you are not in the process of communication. Your communicating with your body language, your internal monologue or your clothing. It is done intentionally or unintentionally.
- Communication is constant
Meaning and interpretation of communication is part of the individual. Who they are and what they believe will contribute to their interpretation and response to the message.
- Communication is transactional
-Communication is a process where people come together, communicate, then part. That communication can never be perfectly duplicated again showing that communication is a process of constant change.
$Communication is a process
-Words and gestures can not be taken back. They make a impact on people that last forever. Being aware of what you say and do can only make you a better communicator.
$Communication is Irreversible
-Knowledge of communication is learned through our interactions with others. Between birth and 6 months all babies make similar sounds and gestures but begin to irate their caregivers using language around 6 and 9 months old
$Communication is Learned
-verbal communication is the use of words to communicate; known as language -language allows us to verbally communicate and it has basic principles we need to understand to communicate effectively
Verbal Communication
Principles of Verbal Communication:
-language has Rules-our Reality is shaped by Our Language $-language is arbitrary and symbolic$-language is abstract$-language organizes and classifies reality
-language has Rules$–three type of rules govern our use of words, when we use them, and how we interpret them1. syntactic rules:2. semantic rules:3. contextual rules:
-language has Rules
rules that govern where words come in a sentence. Ie: in English you would say “a happy person” but in Spanish you would say “una persona contenta”
$ syntactic rules:
rules that govern the meaning of words and guideline on how we interpret them ie: if we didn’t agree we would make our own words and use them our own way making communication impossible.
$ semantic rules:
rules that govern meaning and work choice according to context and social custom ie: the word can mean things, whether spoken by a judge, instructor, or a child
$ contextual rules:
–the wharf/Sapir hypothesis states, “our perception of reality is determined by our thought process and our thought processed are limited by language and therefore language shapes our reality”–our experiences become like sunglasses tinting the way we see the world and those experiences are understood by our language
-our Reality is shaped by Our Language
–arbitrary symbols are letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. A set of these symbols make up our agreed upon alphabet letters and sounds associated with them. These letters are then used to make words.—words have denotative meaning which is the dictionary meaning and sometimes have a connotative meaning and sometimes have a connotative meaning which is the unique to a group of people
$-language is arbitrary and symbolic
–words represent things and ideas in our environment and can simplify otherwise complex concepts —ladder of abstraction :—- abstract (living creatures, mammal, horse, “silver”) —-concrete
$-language is abstract
–our language organizes and classifies our realities –we classify things based on their association and then organize them within ourselves ie: black being associated with bad and white with good
$-language organizes and classifies reality
Is communicating without the use of verbal language
$Non-Verbal Communication
Principles Non-Verbal Communication $Non-verbal communication is fluid$Non-verbal communication is fast$Non-verbal communication can add to or replace verbal communication
Principles Non-Verbal Communication $Non-verbal communication is universal$Non-verbal communication is confusing and contextual $Non-verbal communication can be intentional or unintentional
-much like water, nonverbal communication keeps moving and can not be undone. It is so fluid sometimes it is hard to know when one message stops an another begins
$Non-verbal communication is fluid
-a frown or an uneasy disposition can give away our feelings before we even complete a sentence. It can make it difficult to catch some signals because they happen so quickly
$Non-verbal communication is fast
-when giving directions we might say “go to your right” along with pointing our finger to the right at the same time-sometimes we may answer a question with just a nod to answer a question in place of speaking
$Non-verbal communication can add to or replace verbal communication
-many times in our lives we find ourselves in situation where verbal communication just will not work, nonverbal communication offer save day-nonverbal communication is universal but gestures sometimes are not
$Non-verbal communication is universal
-what a sender may think they are conveying might be perceived different by the receiver-raised arms by a student in a classroom and raised arms by a person being arrested mean different things due to the context of situation
$Non-verbal communication is confusing and contextual
-if a car pulled out in front of you while driving would your actions be intentional or unintentional? Probably they would be a mixture of both.
$Non-verbal communication can be intentional or unintentional
Communication ProcessWe know that communication is a process and that process has several key components we need to understand
-message-sender-receiver -channel-feedback
Verbal Miscommunication
$-equivocal terms: $-euphemism:
$- words that have more than one meaning–example: since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present & the bandage was wound around the wound & when I disturbed the dove it dove into the bushes
equivocal terms:
$- a pleasant term substituted for a more direct, less pleasant term–example: instead of saying “the old woman died” one might substitute “ the old woman expired” or “the old woman has been called to heaven”
condition outside the receiver and sender that hinders communication–examples: phones rings too pound to hear, document font to blurry to read, or climate of a meeting seems “closed” so you don’t participate in the group discussion
external barriers
conditions within a receiver or sender that hinder communication–example: different educational backgrounds, experiences, and biases that affect how they send and receive messages.–lack of motivation or interest on the part of the receiver can hinder communication
internal barriers
word meaning unique to a group of people
word meaning dictionary meaning
$Types of Non-verbal Communication
$Space:Proxemics:$Facial Expressions:$Eye Contact:$Body language:$Hand gestures:$Touch:silent
how we use space communicate to othersProxemics: the study of how people use spacePersonal space is like a bubble that moves with you. Some people are very possessive of their personal space. Women tend to have smaller personal space bubbles then men
convey emotions more than anything else.There are six primary emotions that have distinct facial expression: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. The facial expression that convey these six emotions appear to be universal.
Facial expressions
This is also called mutual gaze. It is the duration of eye contact between people that is most meaningful.Those who engage in high levels of mutual gaze are likely to be perceived as having effective social skills and credibilityOne study found that servers that squatted down to take orders received higher tips then others who stood next to their customers. Why do you think that is so?
$Eye Contact:
Kinesics: the study of communication through body movementsBody movement: those of the head, trunk, hands, legs, and feet can be used to communicateBody language can show a person’s tension or relaxation. Sometimes it can show feelings people have for each other.
$Body language:
Hand gestures are used primarily to regulate conversations and to supplement speech.
$Hand gestures:
is used to refer to an object or person who is the subject of conversation. Ie: you might point to a casket you are commenting on.
“referencing gesture”
is used to stress a point that is being made verbally. Ie: you might slam your hand onto a desk to emphasize the importance of your statement.
“gesture of emphasis”
mimic what is being said ie: when describing a hearse weaving in and out of traffic you might make. Weaving motion with your hand.”Remember - gestures are NOT universal”
$”Demonstrative gesture”
can express support, consolation, and many other meanings.How people interpret the possible messages communicated by touch depends on the age, gender of the two individuals involved, the setting in which the touching takes place, and the relationship between the one touching and recipient, among other things.
$Sometimes we have silent non-verbal cues that communicate things about us to other people. For example if you are a very fit, muscular person you might be communicate to others that you are concerned about your physical self. We do not always read non-verbal cues correctly
is the process where selectively attend to and assign meaning to sound.
3 Types of Listening
- Informational listen:2. Empathic listening3. Critical listening/evaluative
Listen to gain information of some sortIe: students sitting in business communication to learn new material
Informational listen:
You try to understand and/or solve a problem and/or help the speaker. (Also usually pay special attention to the emotional tone of the speaker)Ie: your speaking to a friend who has expressed their dilemma in making a decision
Empathic listening
Try to understand speakers point of view (angle)Pay particular attention to detailIe: a salesperson is speaking to you about which cellphone plan to buy and your being cautious for any hidden fees
Critical listening/evaluative
Stages of listening process:
Hearing: Attending: Understanding: Remembering:
when you are registering the sound
when you are focusing on what you’re hearing
when you are assigning meaning to what you’re hearing
when you are recalling and thinking about what you heard
Reasons for Poor Listening
- Pseudolistening: 2. Stage hogging: 3. Defensive listening: 4. Selective listening: 5. Effort:6. Message overload:7. Distracting sounds and noise: 8. Environment:
pretending to be attentive
only interested in expressing their ideas
Stage hogging:
a response style in which the receiver a speakers comments as an attack
Defensive listening:
listening only to what interest you
Selective listening:
it takes the same amount or more effort to listen then it does to talk
listening for 9-10 hours a day
Message overload:
cell phones, talking, etc
Distracting sounds and noise:
bright lights, attractive person, unusually sights, or other stimuli
5 types of Communication
IntrapersonalInterpersonal GroupPublicMass
is the communication we do within ourselves.It includes self talk, imagination, and visualization It can be positive or negative
Intrapersonal communication
is communication between two peopleRelationships with others are formed particularly with interpersonal communication.Relationships develop with the use of self-disclosure
Interpersonal communication
is communicating with 3 to 8 people
$Group communication $Members of the group must be able to communicate freely and openly with all of the other members of the group $A group must have a common purpose or goal and they must work together to achieve that goal. The goal brings the group together and holds it together through conflict and tension.
is communication with one person speaking with limited verbal feedback
$Public communication -the speaker may ask questions, and engage the audience in discussion but unlike group communication, one person speaks and the group listens When speaking in public one needs to be aware of the “purpose” of their speech and their “audience”. $-the “purpose” of public communication can be to inform, persuade (hardest), or entertainKnowing about your “audience” members can help you be better prepared for public communication.
is communicating by using technological devices. It has the ability to reach great distances and influence large audience.
Mass communication $Some types of mass communication are:Newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and the Internet$Mass communication is powerful force! It can shape attitudes, opinions, values, and sense of priorities.
$Tuckman’s Small Group Development Theory:$The 5 Stages of Development
- Forming:2. Storming:3. Norming: 4. Performing:5. Adjourning:
in the forming stage, group members learn about each other and the task at hand (working hard to know each other)
- Forming:
as group members become more comfortable with each other, conflicts Are going to arise, and the members of the group will establish roles. (Arguing)
- Storming:
group members establish rules about how they will achieve their goal
- Norming:
groups reach a goal and implement the goal
- Performing:
as the group project ends, the members go their separate ways
- Adjourning:
$Positive Member RoleInitiator-contributor: generates new ideasElaborator: explains ideas within the group, offers examples to clarify ideasCoordinator: brings ideas, info, and suggestions togetherEvaluator-critic: evaluates ideas and provides constructive criticismRecorder: keeps a record of group actions
$Negative Member RoleDominator: asserts control over the group by not allowing others to take their turnRecognition seeker: calls attention to himself or herselfBlocker: resists attempts t consensus consistentlyJoker or clown: seeks attention through humor and distracts group members
is a way we take in information, give it order, and assign it meaning
Perception We all have our own perception of ourselves, the world around us, and ultimately our reality.-have you ever heard the saying “perception is reality”
is the relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds of themselves. is developed by how we think others see us.
Self-concept is Specifically developed by:-reflected appraisal: when others give us appraisal (good or bad) for things we do or say.-significant others: how the peopl e most near us feel about us and their thoughts about who we are and what we stand for.-roles we take on: it is when we try new things that we find out what we are or not capable of.
how you feel about yourself and your attributes.
a prediction or expectation of an event that makes the outcome more likely to occur than it would be otherwise. Ie: by simply expecting to fail an exam you increase the likelihood that you will.
Self-fulfilling prophecy:
is the firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
Trust Trust is an important element for communication. When we trust people we self-disclose information about ourselves and allow for a relationship to develop.
Benefits of trust for communication-opens channels for communication-Encourages awareness and understanding -helps to develop significant interpersonal communication
Obituary, resume, business letter, cover letter handouts
There are two types of formats for business letters:Block style-each line begins at the left margin, including the date and salutation. This format saves time for the typist.Modified block-the date and salutation are right aligned only with all remaining parts left aligned. This style takes a little more typing time but gives a balanced appearance.
There are two types of punctuation for business letters:Mixed-requires a colon after the greeting and a comma after the complimentary close. *remember: if you don’t put a colon after a greeting, then don’t put a comma after the complimentary close.Open-omits punctuation after the date, address, greeting and complimentary close unless a line ends in an abbreviation which would require a period.
Business LettersParts of a business letter: (in order use)HeadingDateInside addressAttention lineSaluation (Dear Mr. Smith)BodyClosure (Very truly yours,)Extra Notations
Techniques to effective written communication-write during one sitting. Don’t break your thought and flow of writing unless necessary-reflect your own personality in your writingVisualize your reader. Write at the level and understanding of the person the written communication is intended for.Don’t write when emotional. When you write with emotion you might say things you’ll regret later, so wait and then write.Have correct facts and figures. Remember, written communication becomes permanent record so what you put needs to be correct.Use proper language structure, spelling, and punctuation. You don’t want your audience to not understand your writing because of grammatical mistakes so proof read.
5 important questions you need to know how to answer before you go to the interview1. Why are you here?2. What can you do for us?3. What kind of person are you (tell me about yourself)?4. What distinguishes you from the other people interviewing for this position?5. Can I Afford You?
Resume style:o Chronological: List employment history first. Best if employment history is sold without any gapso Functional: List skills/accomplishments first. Best if changing industries or if employment history has gaps.
Resume format based on style:o Chronological order: Objective, Employment, History, Education, Optional Headingso Functional order: Employment History, Education, Optional Headings
Salary Negotiations o When discussing salary you want to try to have the interviewer bring the topic upo If possible try to not discuss salary until you have had a chance to show the interviewer how qualified your are for the position. Try to wait to discuss salary till your final interview or are being offered the jobo By waiting and delaying your salary discussion you can really impress during the hiring-interviewing and possibly get offered a higher salary then they were willing to offer at the beginningo Be sure you have researched what the average pay is before you begin negotiationo This is how a salary negotiation conversion might go• Employer “ Well I am prepared to offer your $15,000 (probably their low to mid range)• You “ I understand of course the constraints under which all organization are operating and considering the economy what you must face with payroll cost. However, I believe my productivity will be such that it would justify a salary of (input range here) $17,000 to $18,000o Remember to ask about other benefits outside of pay and add this to the salary being offered to you.o If the employer pays for health and dental insurance this can equal out to be a nice sum of money paid on your behalf