BB1.4: Parts of the Forebrain Flashcards
Thalamus (Diencephalon) (Limbic System)
-What does it do?
-Serves as an important relate station for incoming sensory information, including all senses except for smell. The thalamus receives sensory impulses, sorts and transmits them to the appropriate areas of the cerebral cortex.
Hypothalamus (Diencephalon) (Limbic System)
- What does it do?
- Controls what?
- 3 Subdivides and their Mnemonic
- Mnemonic 4 functions of hypothalamus
- Serves homeostatic functions and is a key player in emotional experiences during high arousal states, aggressive behavior, and sexual behavior. Primary regulator of the autonomic nervous system and is important in drive behaviors: hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior.
-Controls Metabolism, temperature, and water balance. When these functions are out of balance, the hypothalamus detects the problem and sends a signal out to correct the imbalance.
-Lateral hypothalamus (LH, destroy this you lack hunger)
Ventromedial Hypothalamus (VMH, destroy this you are very much hungry)
Anterior Hypothalamus (AH, destroy this you are asexual)
-Feeding, Fighting, Flighting, (Sexual) Functioning
- Lateral Hypothalamus Function (LH)
- Ventromedial Hypothalamus Function (VHM)
- Anterior Hypothalamus Function (AH)
- LH Refereed to as the hunger center because it has special receptors to detect when the body needs more food or fluids. In other words LH triggers eating or drinking.
- VHM Referred to as the Satiety Center and provides signals to stop eating. Brain lesions here lead to obesity
- AH controls sexual behavior. Damage here leads to inhibition of sexual activity. Stimulation here leads to increased drive, rats will hump anything including inanimate objects. ALSO REGULATES sleep and body temperature.
Other parts of the Diencephalon Posterior Pituitary -What is it -What does it do Pineal Gland -what is it -what does it do
- Posterior Pituitary is Comprised of axonal (axons) projections from the hypothalamus
- The site of release for the hypothalamic hormones; Antidiuretic Hormone or Vasopressin (ADH) and Oxycontin.
- Pineal Gland is a key player in several biological rhythms.
- Secrets a hormone called Melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms. Pineal glad receives direct signals from the retina for coordination with sunlight.
Basal Ganglia (Telencephalon) (Limbic System)
- What is it
- What does it do
- What is the Extrapyramidal Motor System
- Int the middle of the brain are a group of structures known as the basal ganglia.
- They coordinate muscle movement as they receive information from the cortex and relay this information (via Extrapyramidal Motor System) to the brain and spinal cord. Helps make our movements smooth and our posture steady.
- Gathers information about body position and carries this information to the CNS.
Parkinson’s disease
- What causes it
- What is it
-A chronic illness associated with destruction of portions of the basal ganglia. Basal Ganglia destruction may also play role in Schizophrenia and OCD
Septal Nuclei (Limbic System)
- What is it
- What does it do
- Contains one of the primary pleasure centers in the brain.
- Stimulation cause intense pleasure, association with addictive behavior.
- What is it
- What happens when its damaged
- Structure that plays important role in defensive and aggressive behaviors, including fear and range.
- -When damaged, aggression and fear reactions are markedly reduced (docile), and animals become hypersexual
- What is it
- What does it do
- Fornix
- Henry Molaison (HM)
- Plays a vital role in learning and memory processes
- Helps consolidate information to form long-term memories, and can redistribute remote memories to the cerebral cortex.
- Hippocampus communicates with other portions of the Limbic system through this long projection
- Had parts of his temporal lobe (amygdala and hippocampus) removed to control seizures. Intelligence was intact, but couldn’t form new long-term memories.
- What is Anterograde Amnesia
- What is Retrograde Amnesia
- Cant from memories after brain injury
- Cant remember injuries before brain injury
Cerebral Cortex
- What is it
- What are Gyri
- What are Sulci
- Advantages of Gyri and Sulci
- Four Lobes?
- The outer surface of the brain, sometimes called neocortex. Most recent part of the brain to evolve.
- Ridges of the folds (Peaks)
- Grooves that separate the cerebral cortex into gyri (Valleys)
- The folds create increased surface area
- Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal Lobe
-What is it (2 regions)
-Comprised of two regions: the prefrontal lobes and the motor cortex.
Prefrontal Cortex:
- What is it
- What does it do
- Job in Memory
- Attention
- This region supervises processes associated with perception, memory, emotion, impulse control, and long-term planning.
- Manages executive function by supervising and directing the operations of other brain regions.
- Role is not store memory, but rather to remind the individual that he or she has something to remember at all.
- To regulate attention and alertness, the prefrontal cortex communicates with the reticular formation in the brainstem telling an individual to wake up or relax.
Prefrontal Cortex
- Association Area?
- Projection Area?
- Prefrontal cortex is an example of an association area because it integrates information from different cortical regions. (Planning for the future, solving a puzzle, difficult decision all take multiple inputs)
- Perform more rudimentary or simple perceptual and motor tasks (visual cortex, receives info from retina and sends signal to muscles)
Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex could cause what
- Loss of supervisory functions. A person may be more impulsive and generally less in control of his or her behavior.
- Could become depressed
- Prone to make vulgar or sexual remarks
- Become apathetic: Lacking interest or enthusiasm or concern