BB Protocol 2 Flashcards
Referral tests? (3)
- Advance Ab Ix (Elution / autoadsorption) / Extended phenotyping
- ABO / Rh anomaly
MTP? (4)
- Massive transfusion = >10 RBC unit within 1d
- Patient should be >12y
- 4 RBC + 4 Plasma + 4 PLT (1:1:1)
- +30min +1h…, 2h no request = STOP
AbID? (4)
- 11 panel cell + 2 Mi(+) + 2 Mi(-) + Mur(+)B + Mur(+)A
- DAT if applicable
- Phenotyping
- Referral to RC
In practice, Reg case with test ABIDNI, +RCP for phenotyping.
Enter Ab screen, AbID & DAT result. Add ABID at conclusion
Enter phenotype score if RCP is ordered.
Send email to hematologist, who Authorize the result / Refer the case to RC
When would you suspect a mixture of Ab? (3)
- Thermal dependent (eg: some - after prewarm)
- Phase dependent (eg: some IS- IAT+)
- Varied reaction strength (eg: 1+ & 2+ coexist)
Ab ID ALL +, DAT-, why? (2)
- Multiple AlloAb
- Antibody against high frequency Antigen / Anti-H
Ab ID ALL -, why? (4)
- Antigen not included in the panel
- Heterozygous panel cell (Ag weakly expressed)
- Weak Ab
- Anti-C’
In general, Antigen-negative IAT-compatible is used for Ab+ cases, is there exception? (2)
1. Random pick IAT-compatible can be used for M(not 37C reactive) N, P, Lea/b, Lua
2. Prewarm IAT-compatible can be used for AutoColdAb case, AbID for the ColdAb is not necessary
Ab+, proceed to phenotyping, corresponding Ag+, why?
- If DAT+, consider AutoAb / Ab coated patient RBC
- If DAT- , it should be wrong AbID
- Recent transfusion (should be mf)
- Drugs like daratumumab (Anti-CD38)
Name 2 Ab exist in both IgM & IgG (2) Do they cause HDFN? (1)
PP1Pk & Vel.
Yes. PP1Pk HDFN related to spontaneous abortion,while Vel is more on causing hemolysis