bb ch 37-39 - quiz 2 Flashcards
what is the main artery in the body? Where does it carry blood?
From the heart to the body
what is the first vessel(s) to come off of the aorta? Then what does it continue as?
The ascending aorta
Arches left and posterior to become aortic arch
what is the first vessel(s) to come off of the aorta? Then what does it continue as?
The ascending aorta
Arches left and posterior to become aortic arch
How many branches come off the aorta arch and what are their names as well as subdivisions if applicable.
3 branches
Brachiocephalic trunk > right common carotid a and right subclavian a
Left common carotid
Left subclavian
What do the subclavian arteries supply?
The upper limbs
What do the common carotid arteries supply?
The head and neck
How does the aortic arch end?
Becoming the descending aorta and course inferiority through abdomen and thorax
Where do both the right and left subclavian arteries branch from?
Right is from brachiocephalic trunk
Left is from aortic arch
How many branches are there of the subclavian artery? Name them and their subdivisions if applicable.
Vertebral artery
Internal mammary artery (internal thoracic a.)
Thyrocervical trunk
Costocervical trunk
Where does the subclavian artery terminate? What does it become at this point?
Terminates at the lateral border of the first rib
It becomes the axillary artery
The axillary artery is divided into sections by a muscle.
Which muscle?
How many parts? Describe.
Pectoralis minor
3 parts
1st part - between lateral border of first rib and superomedial border of pec minor
2nd part - posterior to pecs minor
3rd part - between inferolateral border of pec minor and inferior border of teres major
Where does the axillary artery terminate? What does it continue as?
Inferior border of teres major
Brachial artery
How many branches are there of the axillary artery? Name them and their subdivisions if applicable.
6 branches
1st part
Highest (supreme) thoracic a.
2nd part
Thoracoacromial trunk
Lateral thoracic a.
3rd part
Subscapular a.
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
What does the highest thoracic artery supply?
First 2 intercostal spaces
Where does the thoracoacromial trunk pass? What are its branches? Where does each branch course?
It passes above pectoralis minor
It has four branches
Clavicular branch courses subclavius muscle and sternoclavicular joint
Pectoral branch courses to pectoralis major and minor muscles
Acromial branch courses to the acromion process
Deltoid branch courses to the deltoid and pectoralis major
Where does the lateral thoracic artery course? Which nerve does it course with and what does it supply?
It courses along the inferolateral border of pectoralis minor to the lateral thoracic wall wall
A courses with the long thoracic nerve
It supplies, lateral thoracic wall and breast
How many branches does the subscapular artery have? Name their subdivisions if applicable.
2 branches
Thoracodorsal a. with thoracodorsal n. to latissimus dorsi
Circumflex scapular artery - triangle space of shldr around lat border of scapula, deep to infraspinatus
Where does the anterior circumflex humeral artery course and end, and how?
Anteriorly around surgical neck of humerus
Anastomoses with posterior circumflex humeral artery
Where does the posterior circumflex humeral artery course, with what, where does it end, and how?
Posterior through quad space of shoulder, winds posterior around surgical neck of humerus deep to deltoid
Courses with axillary nerve in quad space
Ends by anastomosing with anterior circumflex humeral artery
What initially forms the brachial plexus, be specific
Ventral rami of c5-t1
How is the brachial plexus grouped from beginning to end?
Ventral Rami —> trunk —> division —> cord —> nerve
What are the trunks and what forms each one?
Upper trunk - C5-6
Middle trunk - C7
Lower trunk - C8-T1
What are the divisions if the brachial plexus and where do they go?
Anterior and posterior division
Anterior division of upper and middle trunk create the lateral cord
Anterior division of lower trunk creates the medial cord
All posterior divisions create the posterior cord
How many nerves does the brachial plexus give off? Name them
Dorsal scapular nerve
Long thoracic nerve
Axillary nerve
Lateral pectoral nerve
Medial pectoral nerve
Nerve to subclavius
Suprascapular nerve
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Upper subscapular nerve
Lower subscapular nerve
Thoracodorsal nerve
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: ventral ramus of C5
Courses deep to levator scapulae and enters deep surface of rhomboids,
Supplies: rhomboid major and minor
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: ventral rami of C5-7
Courses posterior to axillary artery and on external surface of serratus anterior
Supplies serratus anterior
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: upper trunk
Courses posterior to clavicle
Supplies subclavius
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: upper trunk
Courses lateral and posterior through superspinous fossa and innervate supraspinatus, then round spine of scapula and enters infraspinous process to innervate infraspinatus
Supplies supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: lateral cord
Courses through fascia above pec minor into deep surface of pec major
Supplies pec major
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: medial cord
Pierces pec minor and through deep surface of pec major
Supplies pec major and minor
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: medial cord
Descends below middle of arm and pierces fascia
Supplies skin on medial arm
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: medial cord
Descends below middle of arm and pierces the fascia
Supplies skin on the medial forearm
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: posterior cord
Courses over anterior surface of subscapularis and divided into two branches, one supplies subscapularis and one supplies teres major
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: posterior cord
Courses into subscapularis
Supplies subscapularis
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: posterior cord
Courses inferior and posterior to deep surface of lat dorsi
Supplies latissimus dorsi
Origin, course , and innervation of this nerve:
Origin: posterior cord
Courses inferior thru quad space of shoulder, medial to surgical neck of humerus
Supplies teres minor and deltoid
MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE is a continuation of…
Lateral cord after lateral root to median nerve is given off
MEDIAN NERVE is derived from…
Lateral and medial roots of median nerve
ULNAR NERVE is a continuation of…
Medial cord after medial root to median nerve is given off
RADIAL NERVE is a continuation of…
Posterior cord after the axillary nerve is given off
What are the components of the cross section view of the arm?
Anterior compartment
Posterior compartment
Medial compartment
Lateral intermuscular septum
Anterior lamina of the medial intermuscular septum
Posterior lamina of the medial intermuscular septum
What are the compartments of the arm and what muscles are in each?
Medial - no muscles
Anterior - biceps brachii, coracobrachalis, brachialis
Posterior - triceps brachii
What is the origin of biceps brachii?
Short head - coracoid process of scapula
Long head - supraglenoid tubercle
What is the insertion of biceps brachii?
Bicipital aponeurosis
Radial tuberosity
What is the innervation of biceps brachii?
Musculocutaneous n
What is the action of biceps brachii?
Flex forearm at elbow
Supinate forearm at radioulnar joint
What is the origin of coracobrachialis?
Coracoid process of the scapula
What is the insertion of coracobrachialis?
Medial border of humerus, middle third
What is the action of coracobrachialis?
Flex arm at shoulder
What is the innervation of coracobrachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve
What is the origin of brachialis?
Anterior distal humerus
What is the insertion of brachialis?
Ulnar tuberosity
Coronoid process of ulna
What is the action of brachialis?
Flex forearm at elbow
What is the innervation of brachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve
What is the origin of triceps brachii?
Long head - infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral head - posterior humerus above radial nerve
Medial head - posterior humerus below the radial nerve
What is the insertion of the triceps?
Olecranon process of ulna
What is the action of the triceps?
Extend forearm at elbow
What is the innervation of the triceps?
Radial nerve
What are the primary nerves of the UE?
Musculocutaneous n.
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Radial n.
Musculocutaneous nerve:
What cord of brachial plexus?
What does it pierce?
Where does it course?
What does it turn into? What does that supply?
What muscles does it innervate?
Lateral cord
Anterior compartment of arm between biceps and brachialis
Turns into lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve near biceps tendon. Supplies skin of lateral forearm
Coracobrachialis, brachialis, biceps brachii
Median nerve:
What cord of brachial plexus?
Where does it course?
What does it innervate?
Lateral and medial root of median nerve, lateral and medial cords
Medial compartment of arm
No innervation
Ulnar nerve:
What cord of brachial plexus?
What does it pierce?
Where does it course?
What does it innervate?
Medial cord
Pierces posterior lamina of medial intermuscular septum as it passes from medial to posterior compartment
Courses medial compartment to posterior, then posterior to medial epicondyle with superior ulnar collateral artery
No innervation
Radial nerve:
What cord of brachial plexus?
What does it pierce?
Where does it course?
What does it course with ?
What muscles does it innervate?
Lateral intermuscular septum as it passes from posterior to anterior compartment
Courses medial to lateral behind humerus in posterior compartment and into anterior compartment. Passes through lateral cubital fossa
It courses through the triangular interval of the shoulder with profunda brachii artery
Innervate triceps
Where does axillary artery become brachial artery?
Distal to inferior border of teres major
Where does the brachial artery course and what are its branches?
Descends through medial compartment of arm with median and ulnar nerves
3 branches
Profunda brachii artery
Superior ulnar collateral artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
Profunda brachii artery:
Where does it arise?
Where does it course?
What are its branches?
Arises from brachial artery just distal to teres major
Posterior to humerus courses with radial n. in triangular interval of shoulder
At lateral humerus, it divides into radial collateral and middle collateral arteries
Superior ulnar collateral artery:
Where does it arise?
Where does it course?
From brachial artery at midpoint
Courses with ulnar nerve, posterior to medial epicondyle
Inferior ulnar collateral artery:
Where does it arise?
Where does it course?
From brachial artery just proximal to elbow
Courses anterior to medial epicondyle
What do the branches of the brachial artery supply? Where does it course after the branches are given off?
Arm muscles and collateral circulation in elbow region
Distal thru arm to cubital fossa where it is lateral to median nerve and medial to biceps tendon
Where does the brachial artery terminate and into what branches?
Cubital fossa
Radial and ulnar arteries
What are the boundaries of the cubital fossa?
Lateral: brachioradialis
Medial: pronator teres
Superior: imaginary line between humeral epicondyles
Floor: supinator and brachialis muscles
Contents of cubital fossa (lateral to medial)
Radial nerve and terminal branches
Tendon of biceps brachii
Brachial artery and terminal branches
Median nerve