Battle of Somme Flashcards
Scots were heavily involved in the attack at High wood during the Battle of the Somme.
The 51st Highland division lost 3500 men as they attacked High Wood.
Scots in the boys brigade managed to fight their way into the Frankfurt trench during the Somme.
WIth half their number injured, they managed to stay alive after barricading themselves for a week with very limited ammunition.
On June 24th 1916, Haig launched a 7 day artilerly bombardment against the Germans
Scotsmen helped to dig tunnels under German lines and pack them with up to 30 tonnes of high explosives and planned to fire 1,500,000 shells with 50,000 gunners.
Scots contributed highly to the battle of the Somme
3 Scottish divisions, 9th and 15th (Scottish) and 51st (Highland) divisions took part in the battle
Numerous Scottish battalions in other units, (eg. the Scots Guards in the Household Division) also contributed.