bat mitzvah Flashcards
what does mitzvah and bat mean
Mitzvah means Commandment and bat means daughter
What is a bat mitzvah?
It is a ceremony that welcomes a Jewish girl into adulthood. This happens at 12 years of age. Boys have their bar mitzvah at 13 years age.
What happens during the party after the ceremony?
During the party, there is food, music and much more that is often themed. Family and friends are all welcome.
When were bat mitzvah’s first introduced into the Jewish church?
They were introduced in 1975 and it has been introduced into a synagogue service in reform churches
Together, what does the words bat mitzvah mean?
Daughter in Commandment
Why is there a celebration after the ceremony?
The celebration after the ceremony celebrates that the girl is now an adult in the eyes of their religion. And it is a great opportunity to get together with all of your friends and family.
What is a bat mitzvah like?
It is just like a bar mitzvah only for girls and only in the reform church
What happens during the ceremony?
The girls are called up to Read from the Torah, and while they read the prayers, they will wear a teffilfin that is wrapped around their arms seven times and their heads. The box on top of their heads is said to contain dirt that has come from Jerusalem (the holy land)
What else do they wear?
They also wear the tallit. The tallit is a cloak or shall that someone wears while praying. The rabbi or child who’s batter it was would wear this shall
What is on the tallit
There are 12 stripes and 12 tassels that represent the 12 tribes of Israel
What is a popular way to strengthen their religion?
An increasingly popular way to strengthen their religion is to twin your bat mitzvah with a child who is a victim of the holocaust. Then that child will never be forgotten as they will live on through the person the twin with.
How many different types of churches are there with the Jewish religion?
There are two different types of Jews, orthodox and reform. These are the two branches of Judaism much like Anglican, Lutheran, Mormon, and catholic for Christianity.
What are orthodox and reform Jews like?
Orthodox Jews live very strictly by the rules and are much more traditional. This means that women are much less involved with life at the synagogue, and they follow the laws outlined in the Torah as well as a 613 Mitzvot to be taken very very seriously. However reformed you have adapted with the ever-changing world, and allow for women to be included in the church.
What must the girl do after completing her bat mitzvah?
The girl must abide by the 613 mitzvah found in the Torah
What happens during the ceremony short answer?
During the ceremony the girl will be called up to Read from the Torah. She must read the tour in front of the whole synagogue and must read in Hebrew.
What happens after the girl reads from the Torah?
The reading from the tour is followed by a festive kiddish- a prayer recited over a cup of wine. This (and above) is a ritual to welcome a Jewish girl into adulthood.
What happens after the ceremony short version?
After the ceremony, there is a big festival/party to celebrate the girl reaching adulthood