basics to radioactivity Flashcards
- Spontaneous emission of small particles and or radiation (energy) by unstable atomic nuclei to attain more stable nuclear state
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1896- Henry Becquerel-
studied phosphorescence with uranylsulfate, discovered the uranium radioactivity.
Nobel prize in physics- 1903 for discovery of radioactivity
- Investigated connection between x-rays and naturally occurring phosphorescence
- When uranium salts were placed by a photographic plate covered with opaque paper the plate was discovered to be fogged
- This was a property of the uranium atom
- He showed that the rays emitted uranium caused gases to ionize and that they differed from x-rays in that they could be deflected by electric or magnetic fields
- Marie curie pursued the study of becquerel rays
- Studied radioactive material
- The pitchblende contained traces of some unknown radioactive component which was far more radioactive than uranium
- In 1898 she announced the existence of this new substance
- After several years they isolated 2 new chemical elements, radium and polonium
- Radioactivity was found to be unaffected by chemical and physical testing showing that the radiation came from the atom itself- specifically from the disintegration or decay of an unstable nucleus
Discovery of radioactivity
- 1898- ernest Rutherford began studying the nature of the rays that were emitted
- Classified into three distinct types according to their penetrating power
- Alpha decay- positively charged can barely penetrate a piece of paper
- Beta decay- negatively charged pass through as much as 3mm of aluminium
- Gamma decay- neutral; extremely penetrating
Types of radiation
- Alpha rays- nuclei of helium atoms )2 protons and 2 neutrons)
- Beta rays- electrons (created within the nucleus)
- Gamma rays- high energy photons (packets of energy)
Alpha decay
- The loss of 2 neutrons and 2 pr0tons changes the atom
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Alpha decay smoke detector
- Americium 241 has a half life of 432.6 years.
- Emitted α particle ionises the air molecules which conduct current between two terminals
- Smoke clings to ionised air molecules and slows them down
- Current decreases and a transistor switch activates the alarm
- Contains 0.3µg of the isotope or 37Bq or 1 Ci of radioactivity.
- Radiation risk much smaller than background radiation.
- Sensitive to flaming stage of fire
- Optical smoke detectors sensitive to smouldering stage of fire
Beta decay (negatron decay)
- The electron emitted in beta decay is NOT an orbital electron; the electron is created in the nucleus itself
- One of the neutrons changes to a proton and in the process (to conserve charge) throws off an electron
- These particles are referred to as beta particles so as not to confuse them with orbital electrons
Beta decay and the neutrino
- Scientists found that some of the fundamental principles in physics did not hold true (law conservation of energy and law of conservation of momentum- both linear and angular)
- 1930- wolfgang pauli proposed there was a new particle that was very difficult to detect was emitted in beta decay, as well as the electron
- Neutrino- symbol is ‘nu’ (v)
- So the equation becomes: (bar denotes anti neutrino)
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Positron decay
- Occurs when there are too few neutrons compared to protons
- These isotope lies between the stable isotope line
- This beta decay, the particle that is emittied is called positron but has a charge of +1 but same mass as an electron
- The positron is called the antiparticle to the electron
- Many different radioisotopes are positron emitters, such as Fluorine18, Oxygen15, and Carbon11.
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Positron emission tomography (PET)
- nuclear medicine functional imaging technique that is used to observe metabolic processes in the body.
- The system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide (tracer), which is introduced into the body on a biologically active molecule. 3-D images of tracer concentration within the body are then constructed by computer analysis.
- Biological molecule e.g. fludeoxyglucose (FDG), an analogue of glucose, shows tissue metabolic activity corresponding to glucose uptake. Indicates cancer metastastis (90% of use)
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- 20min scan. Red areas show more accumulated tracer substance (18F-FDG) and blue areas are regions where low to no tracer have been accumulated. Used to detect cancers.
Electron capture
- Occurs when a nucleus absorbs one of the orbiting electrons
- Usually the innermost electrons
- The electron disappears and a proton becomes a neutron in the process
- A neutrino is emitted in electron capture decay
- This has been detected by the emission of x-rays due to other orbital electrons jumping down to fill in the lower energy levels and releasing energy of that energy
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Source of instabilities
- Too big
- Too many neutrons for the protons
- Not enough neutrons for the protons
- Too many excess energy
Nuclear stability- Determined by the number of neutrons to protons
Atomic number (Z) less than 20 (Calcium):
- Ratio close to 1 fall in zone of stability
Atomic number (Z) going from 21( Scandium)- 83( Bismuth):
- Number of neutrons always greater than the number of protons
- Neutrons help to stabilise the nucleus and overcome repulsive electric forces of the protons
- Ratio increases from 1 to 1.5 as Z increases from 21 to 83
Atomic number (Z) greater than 83 (Bismuth):
- Ratio greater than 1.5 ( proportionately more neutrons needed to stabilise larger number of protons)
- All unstable and decay and are radioactive
- Outside zone of stability
Neutron to proton ratio
- Shaded region corresponds to ‘ban’ or ‘belt’ od stability
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Left of zone:
Neutron rich
Changes neutrons to protons by β emission
n -> p + e
Right of zone:
Proton rich
Tries to lose protons and gain neutrons
P + e -> n
Positron emission or electron capture
Just in zone but Z>83:
Decay by emitting α particle to try to achieve a more stable nucleus
Odd even rule-
- When N/P both even numbers, isotopes tends to be far more stable than when they are both odd
- Of all 264 isotopes number of protons/ neutrons
- 168- even/even
- 57- even/odd
- 50- odd/even
- 4- odd/odd
Radioactive decay
- Some nuclei can not obtain stability in just one transformation
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Uranium decay series
- Uranium goes through 8 alpha decays and 6 beta decays before it reaches stability at lead
- All have very different half lives
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Gamma decay
- Gamma rays are photons having very high energies
- The decay of a nucleus by the emission of a gamma rays s much like the emission of photons by excited electrons
- The gamma rays come from an excited nucleus that is trying to get back to its ground state
- The nucleus could be in an excited state either from a collision with another particle or because it is a nucleus left over from a previous radioactive decay
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characteristics of alpha, beta and gamma radiations
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Gamma decay
- A nucleus may remain in an excited state for some time before it emits a gamma ray. The nucleus is then said to be in a metastable state called an isomer
- The nucleus can also return to its ground state by a process called internal conversion where no gamma ray is emitted
- The nucleus interacts with an electron and loses its energy in that way
- The electron then loses the energy as an x-ray
- X-rays come from atom electron interactions while gamma rays come from nuclear processes
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Conservation of nucleon number
- The following laws all hold true
- Laws of conservation of energy
- Law of conservation of linear momentum
- Law of conservation of angular momentum
- Conservation of electric charge
- Law of conservation of nucleon number
- The total number of nucleons stays the same in any decay, but the different types can change (protons into neutrons and vice versa)