Most common temporary hearing problems for kids?
Otitis media: results in a temporary hearing loss during the critical years of language and speech acquisition and can result in developmental language delays
Number of children born with a hearing loss in the US per year?
- Hearing loss is the most common congenital anomaly found in newborns
- Each year 12,000 children are born with a hearing loss in the US
- 90-95% of infants born with a HL are born to hearing parents
List some of the signs of a suspected hearing loss?
- Child does not react to loud sounds
- Child is unable to detect where a sound is coming from
- Child may start to babble, but soon stops
- Babbling does not develop into understandable speech
- Child does not react to voices, especially when he or she is not being held
- Child does not follow commands or misunderstands directions: also think CAPD – can’t do multiple directions!!!!!!
- Child may start acting frustrated i.e. behavior issues
In decibels what is the range for normal hearing in children?
- Normal Children: 0-15 years 0 - 15 dB Normal Adults: 0 - 25 dB
- Mild: 20 - 40 dB
- Moderate: 40 - 60 dB
- Severe: 60 - 80 dB
- Profound: 80 + dB
List 3 types of hearing loss?
- Sensorineural: purely a loss of hearing in the cochlear or auditory nerve
- Conductive: typically a loss generated in the middle ear
- Mixed: combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss
- Central auditory prosessing dysfunction
- Auditory Neuropathy
What information does speech banana gives us?
Db in pitch to help distinguish which sounds the child cannot hear
What is a congenital hearing loss?
Present at birth
What percentage of hearing loss can occur at birth?
Present at birth occurs 80% of the time
20% of hearing loss’s are acquired
◦ Such as - Meningitis, ototoxicity, trauma, noise exposure, mumps, hypoxia, hyperbilirubinemia
List several syndromes:
Ushers, Pendred, Jervell & Lange-Nielsen, Waardenburg
What is the most common intrauterine infection?
CMV, toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, syphilis
How does a hearing loss impact a person’s life? In what ways?
- Language delay – enough said
- Learning problems
- Social isolation
- Vocational choices – hard to be a linguist with a hearing loss
List 3 of the most important aspects to include in report writing?
- Basic patient demographic information
- Pertinent information obtained during a case history
- Lists of tests completed and why
- Ear specific results of test administered
Counseling can be very brief for a screening, but always make sure the patient understands:
A failed hearing screening is not a sign of a hearing loss