Basics Flashcards
Axial Skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton
name the planes
Image: Coronal -> Sagittal -> Transverse/Axial
Opposite of distal
proximal i.e. closer to the trunk
opposite of medial
lateral (farther from the sagittal midline)
Hyaline cartilage
Location: Joints ( articular)
* nose
* larynx
* trachea
* ribs
- artıcualr cartılage (knee, elbow, shoulder)
- costal cartilage = coinnecting the ribs to sternum
- nasal cartilage
- trachea, bronchi
- fetal skeleton = eventually ossifies to form bone
Structure: dense matrix of collagen fibers(type 2) providing stregtnh and proteoglycans (retaınıng water) contrıbutıng to flexıbılıty, most common
Function: smooth surface for joint movement + important in the growth and development of bones
smooth, glassy, bluish, translucent
Location: in areas subjected to high pressure + tension
* intervertebral discs
* menisci of the knee - stabilises the knee joint
* pubic symphysis - providing stability while allowing limited movement
* TMJ, temporomandibular joint - jaw joint, aiding in movement and function
Structure: dense network of collagen fibers(type 1) = tough + durable + contains more collagen fibers than hyaline cartilage making it more rigid and less flexible
Function: provides strength + support, absorbing shock and resisting compression
dense, tough , white
Elastic cartilage
Location: ear (auricle) + epiglottis + parts of larynx(containing vocal cords, used for breathing, swalloing, talking)
Structure: contains elastic fibers ++ collagen fibers
Function: provides flexibility and shape retention, allowing structures to retrun to their original forms after bending and stretching
yellowish, more flexible, elastic
Articular cartilage
Covers the ends of long bones in synovial joints (knee, elbow, shoulder)
inguinal region = groin
area adjoining the junctional crease between the front of the thigh and the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall.
thin layer of skin bn your genitals (vaginal opening or scrotum) and anus
opposite of supine
synonym for inferior
opposite of superficial
synonym of anterior
synonym of posterior