Basic Soldier Knowledge (ADP 1) Flashcards
What are the 5 principles of patrolling?
The 5 principles of patrolling are planning, recon, security, control, and common sense
What are the 3 D’s?
The 3 D’s are distance, direction, and description
The Soldier Creed
What is the first general order?
I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved
What is the second general order?
I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner
What is the third general order?
I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief
What are the 7 Army values?
Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage
What are the 5 characteristics of the Army profession?
Trust, Honorable Service, Military Expertise, Es spirit de core, and Stewardship
What 5 traits will improve the Army?
Depth, Adaptability, Integrated, Flexibility, and Lethal
What domains does the Army operate in?
Land and Air Maritime Spaces, and the CyberSpace
What is the chain of command?
The chain of command is the line of power from the lowest ranking to the highest. It is best to solve problems at the lowest level if possible
What is the current chain of command of HHB?
What is the Army’s mission?
to deploy, fight, and win our Nation’s wars
Describe the flash-to-bang method for measuring distance.
Determines range to an explosion or enemy fire. Count the seconds between when you see the flash and hear the weapon. Each second is 330m to the target.
What is mission command?
A decentralized command that empowers subordinates
What objectives must the Army meet to achieve its mission?
Man. Organize. Train. Equip. Lead.
What is loyalty?
Loyalty can be defined as believing and devoting yourself to someone or something
What is Duty?
Duty can be defined as completing your tasks without taking shortcuts
What is respect?
Respect can be defined as treating others with dignity
What is selfless service?
Selfless service is putting the welfare of others before your own; you are selfless
What is honor?
Honor can be defined as regarding someone or something with high respect
What is integrity?
Integrity can be defined as holding yourself to a standard even when no one is watching
What is personal courage?
Personal Courage can be defined as not lacking fear, but facing it
What is Landpower?
Landpower is the ability–by threat, force, or occupation–to gain, sustain, and exploit control over land
What is the function of the Institutional Force?
The Institutional force mans, trains, equips, and ensures the readiness of all Army forces.
What are the symbols on the Army seal and what do they represent?
Roman cuirass - strength and defense.
Sword, esponton, musket, cannon, and mortar - Army implements.
Drums - public notification of purpose.
Phrygian cap and sword - constant readiness to preserve the US.
Who supports both the Operating and Institutional forces?
Army Civilians
What is the function of the Operating Force?
The Operating force consists of units organized, trained, and equipped to deploy and fight.
What is unified action?
The synchronization, coordination, and integration with governmental and nongovernmental entities with military operations
What are the Army’s core competencies?
Prompt and sustained land combat. Combined arms operations. Special operations. Set and sustain the theater for the joint force. Integrate national, multinational, and joint power on land.
What is a GOTWA?
G - Where are you going
O - Others you are taking
T - Time of return
W - What to do if I don’t return
A - Actions to take if found by the enemy
What is the mission of the Field Artillery?
The mission of the Field Artillery is to destroy, defeat, or distrupt the enemy with integrated fires, to enable manevuer commaders, to dominate in unitfied land operations
Where was the 1-151 in WW1?
During WWI the 151st Field Artillery became part of the 42nd “Rainbow” Division where it fought with great distinction in France.
Where was the 1-151 in WW2?
During WWII, the 151st Field Artillery Battalion was attached to the 36th Division and participated in the D Day landing at Salerno.
Where was the 1-151 in 2004?
In 2004, the 1-151 FA deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Where was the 1-151 in 2009?
In 2009 the 1-151 FA deployed more than 500 soldiers in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to provide convoy security and force protection through the Kuwait and Iraq area of responsibility.
Where was the 1-151 in 2018?
In 2018, the 1-151 FA provided support and assistance to local and federal law enforcement agencies in and around the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area in support of Super Bowl LII at U.S. Bank Stadium.
Where was the 1-151 in 2020?
In 2020, the 1-151 FA was again called to support local law enforcement in response to civil unrest in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas following the death of George Floyd in police custody.
What is the difference between pay grade and rank?
Pay Grade refers to the dollar amount you receive on your LES. Rank refers to the responsibility you hold.
What is the motto of the Army’s seal?
This We’ll Defend
What does SHARP stand for?
Sexual Harrasment/Assault Response and Prevention