Basic Sentence Practice 4 Flashcards
Use this deck to learn about basic Latin prepositions, essential adjectives, and more!
Translate to Latin.
The farmer is in the forest.
Agricola in silvā.
in, on - in. Note that silvā is in the Ablative case. This construction is called the Ablative of Place Where – it is used to describe where an action takes place or where a thing is. Think: “Where is the farmer? He is in the forest.”
The Ablative of Place Where takes the preposition in.
Translate to Latin.
I wanted to see a horse in the field.
Vidēre equum in ager voluī.
field - ager, agrī (masculine). Note that this noun ends in -er in the Nominative. This is another kind of second declension noun. Be careful with the Genitive case of -er nouns: sometimes, the -e- is dropped, like with ager.
Translate to Latin.
A man and a goat are in the field.
Vir caperque in agrō sunt.
man - vir, virī (masculine). To remember this word, think about a modern English derivative: virile (meaning “manly”).
What is the Ablative of Place from Which, and what prepositions can you use to form it?
The Ablative of Place from Which is used to show where something is coming from.
ab / ā
ex / ē
“out of”
“down from”
Translate to Latin.
A man walks from the field.
Vir dē agrō ambulat.
from, down from - dē.
Translate to Latin.
Sailors fight away from the land.
Nautae pugnant ā terrā.
from, away from - ā, ab.
What are the third declension masculine and feminine noun endings?

Translate to Latin.
The queen loves the king.
Rēgīna rēgem amat.
king - rēx, rēgis (masculine). Note that this is a third declension noun. The third declension is by far the largest of the five, and also has the most variable forms. Most nouns in the third declension do follow one of numerous patterns for their endings, however. This one follows the pattern -x, -gis.
Translate to Latin.
The king’s courage is great.
Virtūs rēgis magna est.
courage - virtūs, virtūtis (feminine).
Be careful, this word can be tricky: It is derived from vir, “man,” but the word itself is feminine (note that magna agrees with it because it ends in -a). Also remember that there is a macron on the u, so it is not a second declension noun.
What are the third declension neuter noun endings?

Translate to Latin.
His head is big.
Caput suum magnum est.
head - caput, capitis (neuter). Note that this is a third declension noun that follows the pattern -ut, -itis, which is usually neuter.
How do you form the Accusative of Place to Which?
ad + Accusative form of destination
Translate to Latin.
The woman walked (up) to the queen.
Fēmina ad rēgīnam ambulat.
to walk - ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus. Note that because the queen is not the indirect object of ambulat, but rather the destination, the Accusative of Place to Which is used.
Translate to Latin.
The farmer goes to the field.
Agricola ad agrum it.
Translate to Latin.
The queen readies weapons for the farmers.
Rēgīna agricolīs arma parat.

weapons - arma, armōrum (neuter). Note that “weapons” is always plural.
Also note that the gender of this word is “neuter.” This means that the word is not inherently masculine or feminine. Second declension neuter nouns use the same endings as masculine, but with a few changes:
What are the third conjugation present tense verb endings?

How do you form third conjugation verbs in the present tense?
Drop -ere from the second principle part
Add the correct present tense ending
Note that the third conjugation is special, since the vowel before the -re is also dropped to conjugate the verb.
Translate to Latin.
The men defend the king with their weapons.
Virī armīs suīs rēgem dēfendunt.
to defend - dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfensus.
Translate to Latin.
The farmers bear arms.
Agricolae arma gerunt.
to wear, bear; to wage - gerō, gerere, gesī, gestus. Note that gerere is a third conjugation verb. The second principle part ending is similar to the second conjugation: -ere. There is no macron in the third conjugation ending.
Translate to Latin.
The king wages war.
Rēx bellum gerit.
war - bellum, -ī (neuter).
Translate to Latin.
The boy does not want a war.
Puer bellum nōn vult.
boy - puer, puerī (masculine). Compare to puella (girl).
Translate to Latin.
The woman walks with the girls.
Fēmina cum puellīs ambulat.
with - cum (+ Ablative). Note that, while word order will normally not affect meaning, it can make some sentences with words like cum become ambiguous:
The woman walks with the girls.
The girls walk with the woman.
Translate to Latin.
The farmers fight with (using) weapons.
Agricolae armīs pugnant.
Translate to Latin.
The queen wants (there) to be _harmon_y.
Rēgīna esse concordia vult.
harmony - concordia, -ae (feminine).
Translate to Latin.
The farmer drives the cart with (using) a horse.
Agricola carrum equō agit.
to do; to drive; to discuss; to live, spend (time) - agō, agere, ēgī, actus. Note that this verb is extremely flexible, and can mean many things. Think about this: do yardwork; do the dishes; do homework; they all use the verb “do” but none of those verbs indicate the same action.
Translate to Latin.
(Some) people see a woman in the forest.
Populī fēminam in silvā vident.
people - populus, -ī (masculine). Note that populus can be used in singular or plural to mean different things: in plural, it means “people,” as in a group of individuals; in singular, it means “(the) people,” like in “The Senate and People of Rome.”
Translate to Latin.
The boy goes out of the house.
Puer ē casā it.
out of, out from - ē, ex.
What is an enclitic syllable?
An enclitic is a single syllable added to the end of a word to give it additional meaning.
Translate to Latin.
The queen and the women watch the forest.
Rēgīna et fēminae silvam spectant.
Rēgīna fēminae_que_ silvam spectant.
and - -que (enclitic). When a word has -que at the end, it is translated as “and ___,” exactly as if the word were preceded by et.
Translate to Latin.
The farmer wants a cart or a horse.
Agricola carrum aut equum vult.
Agricola carrum equum_ve_ vult.
or - aut.
or - -ve (enclitic). Similar to -que, any word with -ve added on the end is translated as “or ___,” just like it were preceded by aut.
Translate to Latin.
Do the women see the queen?
Fēminae rēgīnam vident?
Fēminae_ne_ rēgīnam vident?
Note that the second way is “more correct,” since it specifically indicates that the sentence is a question.
Translate to Latin.
The island is big.
Insula magna est.
big, great - magnus, -a, -um. Note that this adjective can be used to describe the size of things as well as the quality.
Magnus is also a famous cognomen (honorary name) awarded to (or claimed by) great men, such as Gnaeus Pompeiius Magnus - Pompey the Great.
Translate to Latin.
The farmer saw either the queen or a woman in the forest.
Agricola aut rēgīnam aut fēminam in silvā spectāvit.
To say “either … or” in Latin, just put aut before both options.
Translate to Latin.
The girl wants both a horse and an island.
Puella et equum et insulam vult.
To say “both … and” in Latin, just put et before both things.
Translate to Latin.
She doesn’t have a horse, nor (does she have) an island.
Equum nōn habet, neque insulam (habet).
nor - neque.
Translate to Latin.
The farmer has neither horses nor a wagon.
Agricola neque equōs neque carrum habet.
To say “neither … nor” in Latin, just put neque before both things.
Translate to Latin.
The girls will never have a horse.
Puellae equum numquam habent.
never - numquam.
Translate to Latin.
The man’s guards are good.
Praesidia viri bona est.
guard, protection - praesidium, -iī (neuter). Remember that the Nominative and Accusative plural endingss for second declension are both -a, even though it looks like a feminine ending.
Translate to Latin.
The entry hall (foyer) of the house is big.
Atrium casae magnum est.
entry hall - atrium, -iī (neuter).
Translate to Latin.
The children walk to his house.
Līberī ad casam suam ambulant.
children - līberī, -ōrum (masculine). Note that this noun is always plural. To refer to one child, use either “boy” (puer), “girl” (puella), or “little one” (parvulus, from parvus).
Translate to Latin.
The farmer invited the children to the house.
Agricola liberōs casae vocāvī.
to call, invite - vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus.
Translate to Latin.
He likes his duty (job).
Officium suum amat.
duty, office - officium, -iī (neuter).
Translate to Latin.
She lives in the queen’s house.
Rēgīnae in casā habitat.
In casā rēgīnae habitat.
to live - habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus.
Remember: When there aren’t any conflicts with noun cases, word order doesn’t affect meaning in Latin. This means you can rearrange words to make a sentence sound better.
Translate to Latin.
The children’s speed is great.
Celeritās liberōrum magna est.
speed - celeritās, celeritātis (feminine). Note that this is a third declension noun that follows the pattern -tās, -tātis, which is usually feminine.
Translate to Latin.
I want to go home.
Īre domī vult.
home - domus, -ī (masculine). Note that domī here is in the Locative case.
The Locative is used to signify locations, similar to the Ablative of Place Where or Accusative of Place to Which. This is similar to English: you would say “I want to go home,” not “I want to go to home.”
For first and second declension singular, the Locative is the same as the Genitive singular. For all other nouns and all plurals, it is the same as the Ablative case.
Translate to Latin.
She is a beautiful woman.
Pulchra fēmina est.
beautiful - pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum.
Translate to Latin.
The voice of the people is great.
Vox populī magna est.
voice - vox, vocis (feminine). Note that this is a third declension noun that follows the pattern -x, -cis.
The “vox populi” is a common political term that means the “voice of the people,” or more generally, whatever it is the people want.
Translate to Latin.
The woman invited a gladiator to dinner.
Fēmina gladiātorem cēnae vocāvī.
gladiator - gladiator, gladiatoris (masculine).
Translate to Latin.
Gladiators fight on sand to the death.
Gladiātorēs in arēnā pugnant ad mortem.
death - mors, mortis, mortium.