BASIC RADIO DAY 1 Flashcards
CONVERGING: received frequency increses
DRIVING : received frequency decreases
In phase angle
Difference is 0 and the amplitutde adds up
VLF 3-300 KHZ
LF 30-300
MF 300-3000
HF 3-30MHZ
Process of impressing and transporting information by radio
Pulse modul
You keep the freequency same,amplitutde changes
Keep same amplitutde changes the frequency
Phase modulation
Phase is flipped ,but the frequency and amplitude changes
Pulse modulation
Power contianed within a single pulse
Ampkitude modulation
The info is impresses onto the carried wave by altering the amplitude pf the carrier
Frequncy modulation
Altering the freqeuncy of the carrier
Am modulation
Is susceptible to noise ,because it cant filter the noise
Frequency modulation
Amplitude says the same.
Less susceptible to noise
More effiecient ,less power
Noise in genral changes the amplitude and the frequency,thats why fm can detect noise,bc if ampitude changes it ignores bc amlitude should say the say in FM
Phase modulation
Used in GPS
Requires comples demmodulator
Reverse phase of carrier
When wave is modulated ,the result consists of the carrier frequency plus upper and lower sidebands
All modulations produce sidebands