Basic Physical Exam Flashcards
What does SOAP stand for?
- Subjective examination
- Objective examination
- Assessment
- Plan
Compare a subjective and objective examination
Subjective = things you cant measure Objective = things you can measure
What is involved in the assessment and plan stages?
- Analyse your findings
- Prioritise your findings and plan what to do next
When performing a subjective examination what information needs to be gathered?
- History
- Signalment: breed, age, sex
- Demeanour
- Posture and gait
- Body condition score
Give some examples of different demeanours an animal might show
- Bright, alert and responsive (BAR)
- Quiet, alert and responsive (QAR)
- Torpid (mentally or physically inactive, lethargic)
- Stupor (a state of near unconscious)
- Unconscious
Which parts of the body do you use to assess BCS?
Ribs Lumbar vertebrae Pelvic bones Waist Abdominal tuck
The objective examination is also know as …?
The physical examination
What are some different methodical methods used to perform a physical exam?
- Anatomically e.g. cranial to caudal
- Physiologically i.e. work through the body systems
- Combination
When looking at the animal as a whole during a physical examination, what can you assess?
- Symmetry
- Lumps and bumps
- Muscling
- Skin/coat condition
- Palpation of lymph nodes
When looking at the head of the animal during a physical exam, what can you assess?
- Symmetry
- Eyes
- Nose: condition, discharge, airflow
- Oral cavity: teeth, tongue, mm colour, CRT
- Ears
- Cranial nerves
- Lymph nodes
When looking at the thorax of the animal during a physical exam, what can you assess?
- Neck: jugular distention, prescapular lymph node
- CV system
- Respiratory system
What are you looking for when examining the CV system?
- Heart rate
- Heart rhythm
- Pulses
What are you looking for when examining the respiratory system?
- Respiratory rate
- Respiratory rhythm
- Percussion
The heart is located in the sternum between which ribs?
Which anatomical structure aligns with the level of the 5th costo-chondral junction?
Olecranon when the animal is standing square