Basic Patient Care and Safety Flashcards
what is needed to be communicated between the techs and the pt’s nursing staff?
- need for pt’s chart
- pt’s ability to perform procedure
- pt’s mobility
- specific restrictions or precautions
how do you establish correct identity of outpatients? inpatients?
outpts = two demographics
inpts = wristband
what is needed when you transfer a patient back to their room?
- aiding them into bed + making sure they are comfortable
- raising the hand rails and lowering the bed
- reminding them of any instructions
- notifying staff of their return
- returning the chart
- letting staff know about radn safety + any instructions
how often do we have to redo MSI training?
every 3 years
how often do we have to redo IYM training?
every year
what are some ways to prevent falls?
- proper assessment of pt condition
- clear pathway
- side rails up
- wheels locked
- proper monitoring
who is at risk for falling?
geriatric pts, neurological/cognitive deficits/confused pts, pts that are heavily medicated or sedated
- anyone can.
Sims position
patient on their side, forward arm flexed and posterior arm behind the body, body slightly flower with top knee slightly bent
Trendelenburg’s position
inclined with patient’s head lower than the rest of the body, promotes venous return, do following BP drop (elevate legs)
Fowler’s position
pt’s head raised anywhere from 15-90˚ from horizontal, support arms, head, knees, and feet
pt lying down, can be supine, prone, or on the sides of the body.
lateral position relieves pressure on most bony prominences
Water’s position
pt supine with shoulders elevated so neck may be extended
face down, small pillow to support head and prevent flexion of cervical spine, feet over edge or cushion under feet
aka caudal
pt SITS with camera under bed
what immobilization device(s) needs to be ordered by a physician?
- restraints
- sedation
what factors impact individual differences in pain?
- age
- culture
- emotion & anxiety
- fatigue
- personal coping style
- support system