Basic pain science Flashcards
What genetic abnormalities result in erythromyalgia?
overactivation of Nav1.7
What are 2 types of A delta fibers and what do they do?
Type I - HTM - Responds to mechanical/chemical stimuli, relatively high heat threshold >50 deg C
Type II - HTT - Responds to thermal stimuli, v. high mechanical threshold
What are the 2 types of C fibers, and what kind of pain do they transduce?
Peptidergic - Thermal pain (CGRP, Sub P)
-Expresses Trk A receptor
Non-peptidergic - Mechanical pain
-Expresses c-Ret, a neurotropin receptor
Name the receptors that transduce these properties: heat, cold, acid, & chemical irritants.
TRPV1 - heat
TRPV8 - cold
ASIC - acid
TRPA1 - chemical
Which laminae do the following nociceptors project to? A delta, Abeta, & C
A delta - Laminae I & V (deeper DH)
C fiber - Laminae I & II (Superficial DH)
A beta - Laminae III, IV, V
Which laminae are the WDR on?
Laminae V
What types of broad category category inputs go to Laminae V?
Innocuous (A beta fibers) Noxious - Somatic (A delta & C fibers) - Visceral *Get Viscero-somatic convergence & referral pain
What is significance of WDR’s in CeS?
Involved in wind up
What are the 2 ascending pathways for implicated and pain, and what are the general functions?
Spinothalamic - sensory discriminitive aspect of pain
Spinoreticular - poorly localized pain
What areas of the brain are implicated in the affective components of pain?
Amygdala (via Parabrachial region ie. dorsolateral pons)
What are the 2 areas implicated in descending modulation of pain?
RVM - Rostroventral Medulla
What happens in a Nav 1.7 channel a) Gain of function/Overactivation b) AbN inactivation c) Loss of function
a) Erythromelalgia (MutN SCN9A gene)
b) PEPD - Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Disorder
c) Inability to detect pain/noxious stimuli
What type of pain is Nav 1.8 channel implicated in?
Thermal & Mechanical sensitivity (Inflammatory pain)
Req’d for cold transmission
Highly expressed in C fibers
What is the relevance of Nav 1.9 channel?
Expression in non-peptidergic DRG, trigeminal & myenteric neurons
Known to play a role in DM Neuropathy
List 3 types of Calcium channels implicated in nociception/pain?
N, P/Q, T Types
What calcium channel is implicated in the familial hemiplegic migraine & what is the gene mutation?
P/Q Type Ca2+ channels
- ATP1A2
What Na+ and Ca2+ channels are implicated in diabetic neuropathy?
- Nav 1.9
* N & T type Calcium channel
What calcium channel subunit is upregulated in nerve injury and hence targeted by Gabapentin & Pregabalin?
Alpha 2 delta subunit of the calcium channel
What are the 3 basic mechanisms of Peripheral sensitization?
1) Ectopic D/C
2) Increased expression & altered currents of Na+ channels
3) Upregulation TRPV1 channel
4) Wallerian Degeneration
Name 3 target receptors of neurogenic inflammation in peripheral sensitization?
1) TRPV1
2) TRPA1 (enviro toxins)
Name 5 excitatory NT’s (GASP CAA)
Glutamate, Aspartate, Sub P, CGRP, ATP, Adenosine*
Name 5 inhibitory NT’s (AGES N AGES)
Adenosine, GABA, Enkephalins, Serotonin, NE, Acetylcoline, Glycine, Endorphins, Somatostatin
What are the 3 mechanisms of CeS?
1) NMDA R Sensitization/hypersensitivity
2) Disinhibition of inhibitory interneurons
3) Microglia Activation
Mechanisms underlying secondary hyperalgesia?
Heterosynaptic facilitation - A Beta afferents (normally respond to LT, now engage in pain transmission)
What chemical mediators are released with activated microglia in CeS?
TNF apha, IL1-beta, IL-6, BDNF
What is the receptor that BDNF attaches to?
Where is low dose Naltrexone felt to work?
At the Toll Like Receptors of the microglia
Which is the most predominant opioid receptor in the: a) peptidergic nociceptor b) Non-peptidergic nociceptor?
a) Peptidergic - Mu
b) Non-peptidergic - Delta
5 Features specific to CeS
1) Conversion nociceptive specific neurons to wide dynamic neurons (WDRs)
2) Temporal Wind-up - Increased response to innocuous stimulation vs PeS (Increased response/decreased threshold to noxious stimuli)
3) Expansion of spacial fields/Secondary Hyperalgesia vs PeS (restricted to site of injury)
4) Persistent changes despite lack of noxious input vs PeS (Req’s ongoing peripheral pathology)
5) Altered heat AND mechanical sensitivity (PeS - only heat)
CeS is felt to play role in what 3 common pain disorders
FM, Migraine, IBS
Areas of the brain that play a role in CeS, name 5
ACC, Amygdala, Laminae I-V (SC), Spinal nucleus pars caudalis (Trigeminal nucleus), Thalamus
From fMRI & PET studies indicate CeS occurs in additional areas
- Parabrachial nucleus
- Superior colliculus
3 characterstics of noxious stimuli needed to induce CeS
Intense, Repeated, Sustained (IRS)
What are the 2 temporal phases of CeS?
1) Phosphorylation dependent phase
2) Transcription dependent phase
Name 6 chemical mediators play a role in activity dependent CeS?
Sub P, CGRP, Glutamate, BDNF, Bradykinin, NO
Compare & contrast Homosynpatic facilitation with heterotopic facilitation in how it manifests with CeS & PeS
Homosynaptic Changes (windup) - contribute with PeS to primary hyperalgesia Heterosynapatic Facilitation - alone, is responsible for secondary hyperalgesia + allodynia (CeS)