Basic Lung Functioning Test Flashcards
Why do we need lung function tests?
What is the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)?
What happens when the PEFR decreases?
What can the PEF assess?
How can PEFR be measured?
What can the measured PEFR be compared to?
Why is a PEFR diary kept?
What is spirometry?
What can spirometry help diagnose?
What is vital capacity?
What is forced vital capacity?
What is forced expiratory volume in one second?
What is peak expiratory volume?
What is the FEV1/FVC ratio?
What can FVC and FEV1 show in spirometry?
What are flow volume loops and what are they useful for?
What does expiration look like in a flow volume loop?
What does inspiration look like in a flow volume loop?
What does residual volume look like in flow volume loop?
What is the FEFmax?
What is obstructive lung disease?
What changes are seen with obstructive lung diseases?
What happens to breathing with obstructive lung disease?
What does a flow volume loop look like in obstructive disorders?
What happens in severe emphysema?
How can bronchodilator therapy be used for reversibility testing?
How can we distinguish between COPD and asthma?
What is restrictive lung disease?
What changes are seen in restrictive lung disease?
What happens to breathing with restrictive lung disease?
How can restrictive diseases be investigated?
What are flow volume loops like in restrictive lung disease?
How can restrictive disorders be diagnosed?
What is total volume?
What is inspiratory reserve volume?
What is expiratory reserve volume?
What is residual volume?
What is the vital capacity?
What is the inspiratory capacity?
What is the functional residual capacity?
What is the total lung capacity?
How can total lung capacity be measured?
What is diffusion capacity measurement?
What does the single breathe test for diffusing capacity involve?
What does a reduced KCO mean?
What does a reduced TLCO mean?