Basic Instrument Flying Flashcards
What is the control/performance method of instrument flying?
Emphasizes the attitude indicator to control flying, the other instruments are used to check the performance of the airplane based on the attitude
What is the primary/supporting method of instrument flying?
Separates instruments into primary (that which gives the primary information) and supporting (those which support that information)
What primary instrument indicates altitude? Supporting instrument?
Altimeter / Attitude indicator
What is fixation?
When you stare at one instrument for too long
What is omission?
Ignoring one of the instruments during the scan
Approximately what amount of the time is used by proficient instrument flyers on the attitude indicator?
3/4 of the time
What flight maneuvers must be done with reference to instruments?
Straight and level, Constant airspeed climbs and descents, Turns to headings, Recovery from unusual flight attitudes, Radio comms navaids and radar services
How much width of the horizon bar should be made on the attitude indicator to correct for altitude of less than 100 ft? More than 100 ft?
Half the width / Full width
How many degrees of bank should be used to correct for heading?
Degrees of bank less than heading correction degrees
How do you make a climb on instrument?
Nose to climb attitude, climb power, trim, and rudder to compensate, keep wings level, keep airspeed constant
What is the rule of thumb for leveling off from a climb/descent?
Start at 10% of the feet per minute climb rate or descent
How do you level off?
Pitch to level, reduce power to cruise setting, adjust trim, keep wings level, relieve right rudder
How do you enter descent?
Reduce power to desired setting, lower nose to descent, adjust pitch to maintain descent airspeed, keep wings level
What limit on turn rate is instrument turns?
Standard rate, or 3 degs per second
How is bank angle related to airspeed when making a standard rate turn
As airspeed increases, bank rate must increase to maintain standard rate
When should you start rolling out a bank?
Half the degrees of bank to the heading target
How do you recover from a high nose? Low nose?
Add power, level wings, nose down / Reduce power, level wings, nose up