Basic History Flashcards
What is Delta Sigma Pi’s Founders Date?
November 7, 1907
Where Was Delta Sigma Pi Founded?
New York University’s School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance.
How many Founders do Delta Sigma Pi have?
Delta Sigma Pi has four founders
What founder has the following Initials: A.F.M
Alexander Frank Makay
What founder has the following initial: A.M
Alfred Moysello
What founder has the following initial: H.A.T.
Henry Albert Tienken
What founder has the following initial: H. V.J
Harold Valentine Jacobs
When is Alexander Makay’s Birthday?
May 21st, 1988
When is Alfred Moysello’s birthday?
April 20th, 1984
When is Henry A. Tienken’s birthday?
September 7th, 1887
When is Harold V. Jacobs birthday?
February 14, 1988
Where was our first central office located?
1st Central Office - Chicago, Illinois 1924
222 West Adams Street
Where is our central office currently located?
330 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio
What year was our central office moved?
What is Delta Sigma Pi’s Purpose?
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
Who established the Central Office and served as its director for 31 years?
H.G “ Gig” Wright
What is the correct abbreviation for a member of Delta Sigma Pi?
Identify the Greek Letters of Delta , Sigma , and Pi
Delta ( Triangle) , Sigma ( looks like a E) , and Pi ( math pi )
What are the words to the chorus of the song “Rose of Deltasig”?
Rose of Deltasig I love you, Rose of Delta Sigma Pi,
When the shades of night are falling I dream of days gone by; As I go thru life’s long journey, Memories will never die,
I will always hear you calling, Rose of Delta Sigma Pi.