Basic Concepts - 2B Flashcards
What does PAMPS stand for?
pathogen assocaited molecular patterns
What does MAMPs stand for?
Microbe-assocaited molecular pattern
What does DAMPs stand for?
Damage-assocaited molecular patterns
Where is HMGB1 normally present?
In the nucleus, part of the nucleosome
Hat is HMGB1?
An example of a DAMP
When is HMGB1 released?
During necrosis but not during apoptosis
How does the innate immune system differentiate between commensal and pathogens?
Presence of virulence factors
What pattern recognition systems are at the cell surface?
TLRs (1, 2, 4, 6, 11)
Lectin receptors: mannose, DC-SIGN, Dectin1 Dectin2
Scavenger receptors
What pattern recognition systems are in the endosome?
TLRs (3, 7, 8, 9)
What pattern recognition systems are in the cytoplasm?
Nod-like receptors
Rig-like receptors
What state is NFkappaB in in the cytosol?
In an inactive state
How does activation of nfkappab occur?
Occurs as inhibitor is degraded and NFkappaB can move into the nucleus
What causes activation of IkB kinase complex?
Pro inflammatory cytokines and PAMPs
How many Nfkappab activation pathways are there?
What are the NFkappab activation pathways called?
Classical activation
Alternative activation
What is the classical activation pathway of Nfkappab?
Activation of the IkB kinase complex
Catalyses phosphorylation of inhibitors of NFkappaB
Released NfkappaB dimers translocate to nucleus, bind DNA and activate gene transcription
There is a negative feedback loop because genes encoding IkBs are activated by NfkappaB
What is the alternative NfkappaB activation?
Different translocations
Regulated by IKKalpha homodimers thorugh p100
P100 has to be processed into p52
When it is cleaved, moves to the nucleus from cytosol, it is controlling NIK, which activates IKK alpha and stablises it
What are MAPKs?
Serine-threonine protein kinases