Basic Components of the Nervous System --- THE NEURON (Nerve Cell) ---- Matching Flashcards
Site of neurotransmitter formation
Soma/Cell body
Synapse with terminal knobs of other neurons; Areas where neurotransmitters (NTs) are received and depolarizations and hyperpolarizations occur in response.
Site of action potential formation
Axon hillock
-Long process off of cell body that action potentials travel down.
Terminal branches of the axon
which end in buttons/knobs where NT is stored and released.
Telodendria & terminal buttons/knobs
-Formed from many bundles (fascicles) of neurons. The soma of these neurons are located in the brain or spinal cord with the axons extending outside of these structures.
-A bundle of nerve cell somas found outside of the brain or spinal cord. Also a synapse between neurons that occurs outside of the CNS.
In sensory nerves called receptors.