Is a philosophical discipline that deals with the study of the morality of human conduct in relation to
health in particular and to human life in general.
It is the quality of the human act and is related to ethics
branch of philosophy that pertains with the morality of human conduct
What are the basic bioethical principles?
- Stewardship principle
- Totality Principle
- Double Effect Principle
- Principle of Cooperation
it embodies the concept that a steward has the obligation to take good care and improve a thing
or asset entrusted to him/her.
Stewardship Principle
is pertaining how are you going to take good care of your responsibility or your responsibility as a healthcare practitioner in supervising of all your work
It means that the parts of the physical entity, as parts are ordained to the good of the physical whole.
Totality Principle
is one of the important documents that you need to communicate with your patient to avoid legal
Informed consent
Contemplates that it is permissible to cause harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a means to bringing about the same good end.
Double effect principle
Is a bioethical concept that differentiates the action of the wrongdoer from the action of the cooperator.
Principle of cooperation
2 types of principle of cooperation
- formal cooperation
- material cooperation
Defined as willing participation on
the part of the cooperative agent in
the sinful act of the principal agent
Formal Cooperation
Occurs when the cooperator does
not intend the object wrongdoer’s
activity but actively participating in
the deed by which the evil is
Material Cooperation
What are the major bioethical principles
- Principle of Respect for Autonomy
- Principle of Beneficence
- Principle of Non-Maleficence
- Principle of Justice
Entails that health-care professional should respect the autonomous decisions of competent adults.
Principle of Respect for Autonomy
The ability of a person to give consent after due information of medical intervention. However, if
the patient is minor (below 18 y/o) then this principle is exercised by the parents.
Principle of Respect for Autonomy