Basic And Applied Sciences (Cont.) Flashcards
Phosphorylation is the process of doing what?
Adding another phosphate group to ADP so that ATP is once again available for additional energy expenditure.
What are the three metabolic pathways cells use to generate ATP?
- The ATP-PC system
- The glycolytic system (glycolysis)
- The oxidative system (oxidative phosphorylation)
When the chemical bonds that hold ATP together are broken, energy is released for cellular work. This leaves behind another molecule called _____________ and an inorganic phosphate molecule (Pi).
ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate)
Associate each of the 3 metabolic pathways with an example of physical activity where each would be the primary source of energy production.
ATP-PC System –> Heavy weight, low rep. Power lifting.
Glycolytic System –> 400m sprint or average weight routine.
Oxidative System –> Marathons or endurance athletics.
The three oxidative or aerobic systems are:
- Aerobic Glycolysis
- The Krebs Cycle
- The Electron Transport Chain
Touch the following anatomic locations on your own person:
- The superior, anterior surface of the arm
- The posterior point that is inferior to the knee
- The posterior surface of the thigh
- The front of shoulder
- The calf
- The back of the leg
Touch the following anatomic locations on your own person:
- The distal, posterior end of the humerus
- The anterior aspect of the forearm
- The lateral aspect of the knee
- The posterior muscle that is superior to the hip
- The funny bone
- The Inside of forearm
- The outside of the knee
- The lower back above hip
Identify and describe the 3 planes of motion.
- Sagittal plane- cuts you in to left and right halves
- Frontal plane- cuts you in to front and back halves
- Transverse plane- cuts you in to top and bottom halves
ALL intersect at center of gravity
Describe flexion.
Bending movement during which the relative angle between two adjacent segments decreases.
Movements within the sagittal plane are typically __________ and include ______/_______ joint motions.
Describe extension.
Straightening movement during which the relative angle between two adjacent segments increases.
Give two examples of exercises that occur mainly in the sagittal plane.
- Bicep curls
- Barbell squats
- Seated cable rows
- Forward lunges
Movements in the frontal plane are typically _________ and joint actions typically include __________/___________.
Describe abduction.
Movements that proceed away from the midline of the body.
Describe adduction.
Movements that move toward the midline of the body.
Give 2 examples of exercises that occur mainly in the frontal plane.
- Side lunges
- Side step-ups
- Seated lateral raises
Movements in the transverse plane are typically ___________ in nature.
Give 2 examples of exercises that predominantly occur within the transverse plane.
- Turning lunges
- Turning step-ups
- Medicine ball rotations
- Wood choppers
In a physioball wall squat, name the muscles involved in the following roles:
- Agonist (prime movers)
- Stabilizers
- Synergists
- Antagonists
- Agonists –> Glutes & Quads
- Stabilizers –> Transverse Abdominus
- Synergists –> Hamstrings
- Antagonists –> Psoas
In a bench press, identify muscle functions in the following roles:
- Agonists
- Antagonists
- Stabilizers
- Synergists
Agonists –> Pectoralis Major
Antagonists –> Posterior Deltoids
Stabilizers –> Rotator Cuff
Synergists –> Triceps Brachii & Anterior Deltoids
Integrating sensory information with past experiences to produce a response is _________.
Motor control
Using information from mechanoreceptors to sense position and limb movements is called ________________.
_____________ leads to a permanent change in the capacity to produce skilled movements.
Motor learning
The change in motor skill behavior over time is called ________________.
Motor development