BASEL Norms Flashcards
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
An organisation based in Basel, Switzerland.
Aim: to foster cooperation at global level to achieve financial stability and common standard of banking.
Basel Committee on banking supervision
Committee comprising of central banks of various member countries. The set of agreements by committee= Basel Norms
Basel Capital Accord (Basel I) 1988
- Focused entirely on credit risk
- It defined capital and risk weight for banks
- 8% of RWA-risk weighted assets
RWA= Calculation of total assets by taking into account rick associated with them
India adopted Basel-1 in 1999.
Basel-II Guidelines 2004
More refined. Guidelines were based on 3 parameters
Pillar 1: CAR
a. Capital adequacy requirement
b. Minimum CAR= 8% of RWA
c. Three types of risks are included.
Pillar 2: Supervisory review
a. Central bank is to develop and use better risk management system to manage and monitor three types of risks:
i) Credit: Borrower might default
ii) Market: Risky investment due to vagaries of market.
iii) Operational
Pillar 3: Market Discipline Increased disclosure requirements to central banks.
Basel III- 9% of RWA
Lending to the bank the resources needed to conform to capital adequacy norms which stand at 9% today
Problem with Basel Norms
- All sovereign debt is given risk weightage equal to zero.
- All corporate debt is given equal risk weightage irrespective of corporate involved
This led to problem of banks giving more loans to govt.