Barrons list 8 Flashcards
irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language
about holy things; V. blasphem; ADJ. blasphemous;
CF. sacrilege
complete or perfect in every way; supreme: consummate happiness
very skillful; highly expert: a consummate liar
transitive verb consummated, consummating
to bring to completion or fulfillment; finish; accomplish
to make (a marriage) actual by sexual intercourse
following as an effect or inference important Rare acting important; pompous
ex. The importance of structural position appears to be particularly consequential in the organizational field of biotechnology.
Convivial describes something or someone that is festive and good company. (adjective)
An example of convivial is a person who is cheerful and who always makes you feel welcome. An example of convivial is a party where everyone is friendly and welcoming.
ex. After an extremely convivial evening, the thursday morning alarm call came early.
To gawk is to gape or stare at something, often openly and in a way that makes you look silly. (verb)
When you sit with your mouth open staring at a spectacle and looking silly, this is an example of a time when you gawk at the spectacle.
To betray is to be disloyal, to reveal secrets, or to reveal your location to an enemy. (verb)
An example of betray is when you cheat on your spouse. An example of betray is when you tell secrets and betray trust. An example of betray is when you sneeze and your enemy is then able to find you.
ex.Betrayed by a friend.
Cession is the giving up of rights, property or territory to another. (noun), ceding
In 1790 when Virginia and Maryland gave up land to create the District of Columbia is an example of cession.
To flaunt is to go out of your way to display something, such as your wealth or your body, in a manner that is generally considered offensive, inappropriate or gaudy. (verb)
An example of flaunt is when you buy lots and lots of obviously expensive cars and houses just to show off how much money you have. An example of flaunt is when you wear really short, tight clothing to show off your body.
ex. Don’t go into your money belt in public places and do n’t flaunt cash.
a person, esp. an older or married woman, who accompanies young unmarried people in public or is present at their parties, dances, etc. to supervise their behavior
To conspire is to work together and secret plans, or that events are happening that seem to lead to a particular situation or result. (verb)
When you and a friend get together and make a secret plan, this is an example of a time when you conspire. When everything seems to go wrong at once, this is an example of a time when it might seem like fate conspires against you.
Clemency is the act of showing mercy or kindness to an offender or enemy. (noun)
Forgiving someone of a past wrongdoing is an example of clemency.
ex.In april, 1948, president truman granted executive clemency to dasch and burger on condition of deportation.
To scrutinize is to look at something very closely or very carefully. (verb)
An example of scrutinize is when you study a painting on the wall to pick up every tiny detail.
ex. Graham barber has thoroughly scrutinized the large surviving repertoire of the nineteenth century and selected these works as being fully worthy of resurrection.
A conflagration is a massive destructive fire. (noun)
An example of a conflagration is a large fire that burns up two houses.
Subliminal means something that is not easily perceived; but may be remembered due to constant repetition. (adjective)
An example of subliminal used as an adjective is the phrase “subliminal message,” which means a message that may be remembered even if the person was not consciously aware of the message.
subliminal below the threshold of conscious perception;
Ex. subliminal advertisement
A Spanish-American day laborer or unskilled farm worker.
A debtor held in servitude by a creditor, esp. in the southern US and Mexico.
ex. The special person statements consisted of every child saying one positive thing about every other peon in the class.
adj, n
Adjective: Having or relating to subjects or a particular subject: “the orientation of this anthology is essentially thematic”.
Noun: A body of topics for study or discussion.
Synonyms: topical
thematic of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea
Plight is a bad or unfortunate situation. (noun)
An example of plight is living in poverty.
ex. Justin didn’t realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight.
A cohort is a group of people who have come together in support of a common cause, or a group of people who share a common characteristic. (noun)
A band of warriors fighting for the same cause are an example of a group of cohorts.
cohorts group of people who share some common quality;
armed band; a group of between 300 and 600 soldiers
under one commander (in the ancient Rome)
apothecary druggist; pharmacist
n, v
Requisition is an official order claiming or demanding property or materials or demanding the performance of a duty. (noun)
An order demanding the purchase of 100 guns for military use is an example of a requisition.
To requisition is to demand the use of something or to demand that someone do something, often by official order. (verb)
When you demand 100 trucks for military purpose, this is an example of a situation where you requisition 100 trucks.