Bandora 1961 bobo doll +63 +65 Flashcards
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
To investigate if children could learn aggression via imitation
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
+ generalisability (target pop)
Which study had high generalizability due to the sample consistent of 72 mixed sex children aged between 37 and 69 months old split into 8 groups of 6
within a combenation of 3 divisions: sex of the child, sex of the model and if the model is aggressive or not
This sample is highly representative and generalizable to the target population of young children
+ 24 in ctrl group
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
(1963 had same rooms just room 1 was somtimes watch fims/ cartoons and 1965 room 1 was watch film, room 2 gone and room 3 still aggression)
+ test retest reliability
The study had a standardized procedure
room 1:
The child watched the model be aggressive towards a bobo doll or assemble tinkered toys in the quiet and gentle manner
room 2: when the child entered room 2 which was filled with relatively attractive toys the experiment tells the child that these are his very best toys and has desired to reserve them for other children this caused mild infuriation which carryed over as aggression in the next room
room 3: the children went into room free which was also filled with a variety of toys and the children were kept in the room with the experimenter as “some children refuse to stay in there alone or they would leave before the session terminated” for 20 minutes during which their behavior was observed by 2 judges through a two-way mirror the observations were made in five second intervals therefore giving 240 response units per child
This standardized procedure meant that the study was easily replicated which is proved by the facts that bandora made two variations one in 1963 one in 1965 with only slight differences including if film had an effect on observed aggression and to see consequences to models actions had an effect on the imitation of aggression
This gives the study high test retest reliability
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
(1963/65- same but film/cartoon more likley to be witnessed in that way irl)
- ecological validity (scripted models)
The study head low ecological validity due to the models actions being scripted, and children in real life may not wittness that type of aggression or aggression in that way as it may be more verbal, also the procedure of traveling to different rooms to witness aggression then play is very unaturalistic and artificial (as it is a lab study) therefore the immitation of aggression in children result may not be generalisable to real life
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
(applicable to 1963 and 1965 studys as they have “weapon toys” too)
low ethics
Children were shown aggressive behaviour and then let into a room with violent toys e.g. mallets to be aggressive
this increases the possiblity of the children being halmed by themselfs
however the experimenter just stood in the room and did nothing
so therefore there was no protection from halm if anything bad would had have happend (e.g child hits themselfs with the mallet and falls down) and the study therefore is unethical
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
conclusion + application
Bundoora concluded that children could learn aggression via imitation as the aggressive model groups were more aggressive than the non-aggressive model groups he also found boys were more aggressive than girls
Application: due to it showing that children can imitate aggression
the studys results can therefore be used to reduce aggression by adults not being aggressive around children
Bandora 1961 bobo doll
evaluation order
aim (children immitate aggression)
+generaliability ( target pop)
-eco validity (scripted models)
+test retest reliability (3 rooms)
-ethics (violent weapons)
conclusion (aim complete + boys>girls aggression)
application (less violence arround children)
Bandora 1963 bobo doll
To see if the aggression on film would increase the imitation of aggression or aggression in general a child
Bandora 1963 bobo doll
generalisation : same but 96 ppts
35-69 months old
4 groups: (conrol= no violence, irl m/f aggressive model to bobo doll, 10min film version, cartoon of female aggression model
reliability same
eco validity: same but film and cartoon more likley to be witnessed in real life but procedure of changing rooms still unaturalistic so still low
ethics same
conclusion: yes aggression can be imitated if seen on film all experement groups 2x as aggressive as controll
This explains why the watershed is effective as violent tv only goes on at 9pm so children are either in bed or accompanyed by an adult to limmit the agression immitated by the child by being able to teach them that it is bad and they will be punished if they do so
Bandora 1965 bobo doll
To see if reinforcements (rewards/punishments) given to a model influences the imitation of aggression in children
bandora 1965 bobo doll
66 ppts 42-71 months old
3 conditions: model in film was punished for aggression, rewarded for aggression or there was no consequence for aggression
reliability: same but room 1 was for film watching room 2 gone and room 3 still weapon aggression room
eco validity: same as 1963 film more likley but still unatural procedure + lab experement so low
ethics same weapons hurt
conclusion: reinforcement did affect imitation of aggression in children
and children who witness ed reward for aggression model was more willing to imitate the aggression than the punished model group
aplication same as 1963
This explains why the watershed is effective as violent tv only goes on at 9pm so children are either in bed or accompanyed by an adult to limmit the agression immitated by the child by being able to teach them that it is bad and they will be punished if they do so
Bandura 1961 results
Compare the boys’ physical aggression after a male aggressive role model (average 25.8 acts) to the girls’ after a female aggressive role model (5.5)
Compare the girls’ verbal aggression after a female aggressive role model (13.7) to the boys after a male aggressive role model (12.7)
Even in the Control group, non-imitative aggression is higher for boys (24.6) than girls (6.1)
There was very little aggressive behaviour in the Non-Aggressive Model condition and in the Control condition; around 70% had a score of zero for aggression.
Children from the Non-Aggressive Model condition spent the most time sitting quietly.