Bandaging/Wound Flashcards
What is a sweat wrap used for?
Soft tissue swelling
What is a Robert jones bandage used for?
Temporary stabilization of lower limbs, injuries to distal to carpus or hock
What do you look for at a bandage check?
Swelling, heat, pain, odor, discharge, pressure sores, infection
What is the purpose of a tail wrap?
Protect tail or tail hairs from entering rectum or vagina
What does a bell boot do?
Provide more protection.
What is proud flesh?
Exuberant granulation tissue
Where do you find proud flesh?
Below carpus or tarsus
Why does proud flesh happen?
Skin tension is tighter due to lack of underlying muscleclature
Layers of bandaging lower limb?
No adherent dressing over wound, gauze layer to hold in place, cotton wrap layer, conforming gauze secures padding, tape around the edges, vetwrap/elastecon
Why do we cut a notch over the accessory carpal bone?
To prevent a pressure sore
What can splints be made out of?
Pvc and duct tape
What is mandatory when a horse wears a cast?
Stall confinement
How to remove a cast?
Stryker saw/ medial and lateral aspects are cut
Tearing of irregular wound.
A segment of a hoof wall that is displaced.
Incomplete avulsion
Segment of a hoof wall completely detached.
Complete avulsion
Remove gross contamination.
Copious lavage
Stages of wound healing?
Inflammation, debridement, repair, maturation
Wound strength
Non traumatic, not infected, operative skin.
Minimal contamination - not aspectic
Clean contaminated
Open, traumatic, gross contamination.
Old traumatic wounds
Clean wounds with first intention suturing.
Primary closure
Before granulation tissue is present close. (3-5 days)
Delayed primary closure
Older wounds - granulation tissue present (5-10 days)
Secondary closure
Starting on its own to heal.
Second intention
Ideal time to close a wound and remain clean and fresh.
6-8 hours after
Bacterial infection of the frog sulcus.
Thrush medical name
Fusarium necrophorum
Symptoms of thrush.
Foul odor, black discharge from hooves
Treatment of thrush
Dry well, iodine 7%, keep clean
Most common cause of acute and severe lameness.
More common in warm blooded horses.
Navicular disease
Dehydration during bute therapy or excessive dosing.
Phenylbutazone toxicosis