Bandaging Flashcards
What are indications for bandages?
- support suture lines
- early wound management
- management of granulation tissue
- owner convenience
What are the functions of pressure bandages?
- obliterate dead sapce
- reduce limb edema
- control hemorrhage
- control granulation tissue
What are the function of support bandages?
- mechanical
- circulatory
- immobliziation
How does bandage affect wound environment?
- pH and temperature effects–probably not true
2. topical medications
What are the properties of ideal bandage material?
- inexpensive
- coformable
- capable of desired function
- free of particular matter
- inert
- gas permeable
- easily sterilzed
- aesthetically pleasing
What are the three components of a bandage?
primary contact layer
secondary layer
tertiary layer
What is the role of the primary layer
What is the role of the secondary layers?
What is the role of the tertiary layer?
What are the different features that you want out of the primary layer?
1. sterile 2, maintain wound contact 3. conduct exudate (capillary) 4. adherent or non-adherent 5. occlusive or nonocclusive--nonocclusive better!
What are the different types of adherent bandages?
dry to dry
wet to dry
wet to wet
What is the most aggresive adherent bandage?
dry to dry
What is the least aggressive adherent bandage?
wet to wet
What is the role of dry to dry dresssings?
it is debriding dressing
- open weave
- remove exudate
- remove dead tissue
- remove superficial granulation tissue–good b/4 graft
What is the role of dry to dry dresssings?
it is debriding dressing
- open weave
- remove exudate
- remove dead tissue
- remove superficial granulation tissue–good b/4 graft
What is the role of wet to dry dressings?
- debridement
- reduces exudate viscosity–can liquefy insipated and dried exudate
- enhanced capillary action
- topical antibiotics–neomycin
for when the wound is starting to get cleaned up but there is still a lot of exudate
What is the role of wet to wet dressings?
- minimal debridement
- enhanced capillary action
- minimal adherence
- high lfuid producing wounds
when get to the poiint where the wound is health, can do this–good for actively serous producing wounds, doesn’t pull granulation tissue off
What is the role of nonadherent dressings?
- gentle on tissue
What are the types of non-adherent dressings? (occlusve etc)
- occlusive
- semi-occlusive
- non-occlusive
What are three types of non-adherent dressing (primary layer?)
- petrolatum impregnated
- tefla
- polyethylene glycol
What is the role of the secondary layer of a bandage?
- absorption
- pressure distribution
- support
What is the classic material for the secondary layer in large animal?
What is the role of the tertiary layer?
- pressure application
2. protection from the elements
What are some materials used in the tertiary layer?
How long is pressure present without elastics? with eleastics?
what is tie over bandage/stent bandage?
do on places of body wehre hard to bandage. suture bandage on/suture loops and then lace loops together over the bandage and fix with umbilical tape
What is a vacume bandage?
a suction apparatus with cotton dressing, catheteri, steridrape. suck drape down. good for trying to get graft to take
why don’t you put tape on tape?
could create a constricting band