Banana Disease Flashcards
Vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporon Aus 1876 spread everywhere by 1950's Gros Michelle- cavendish 4 races, 3 asexual spores
Asexual spores of Panama
Chlamydiospores- first innoculum, old mycelium and macroconidia
Microconidia- most abundant, one or two cells
Macroconidia- form at the surface of dead cells
Panama disease cycle
Enter through lateral root or wound
Moves up xylem
Blocks water transport to leaves- wilt and die
Tissue invaded and pathogen reaches surface
Panama control
Resistant varieties- fh01, 18,22,25
Treat crops with potassium phosphate fungicide
Methyl bromide treatment of soil- lasts 3 years
Solar treat soil
Clean farming tools
Black Sigatoka
Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Causes black streaks on leaves
Started in Fiji in 1960’s and spread to Florida by 1999
Folliar ascomycete fungus
Conidia dispersed by water, ascospores by wind
Black Sigatoka disease cycle
Spore lands on leaf and germinates in 3 hours
Germ tube produces hyphae that take 2-7 days to grow to stomata
Grow through mesophyll and palisade layer to get to further stomata
Stop leaves photosynthesising - death
50% loss in yield
Black Sigatoka control
Cut down diseased plants, resistant varieties, fungicide
Bacterial wilt
Xanthomas campestri
Ethiopia in 1960’s spread through africa
Spread by grass flies, fruit flies, bees
Bacterial wilt disease cycle
Bacteria spread through soil and enters roots through wounds
Spread through xylem
Produces slime in extra cellular spaces
Stops water flow
Bacterial wilt control
Cut down infected trees, clean planting material , debudding
Banana Bunche top virus
SsDNA virus
Spread by banana aphid
Chlorotic leaf margins
Bbtv disease cycle
Aphid feeds on infected plant
Virus on inside for 2 weeks
Infects another plant phloem
Spreads along vascular system generating dead cells
Bbtv control
Clean planting material
Destroy infected plants
Chemical control of aphid vector
Endemic to aus, but spread
Cause stunted growth and toppling
30-60% loss in yield
Nematode disease cycle
Lives in root debris, moves to new roots by chemical signals, invade at growing zone
Kill plant along with other bacteria through several life cycles
Nematodes moves to rhizome forming dark leisions.
Nematode control
Soil fumigation, cut down dead plants, hot water treatment