Bamberg Witch Hunt Flashcards
When was the Bamberg Witch hunt?
How many people were executed?
Between 600 and 900.
Which group of people were targeted?
Younger, wealthier people- the average age was 33 ½
What is the Holy Roman Empire?
A patchwork of complex central European territories that were under the overall authority of an emperor.
What religious changes happened in the HRE during the C16th?
- The Protestant Reformation The Peace of Augsburg (1555) religion of state decided by its leader
- The Counter Reformation the Catholic attempt to counter the Protestant changes
What was the political structure of the Empire and how did this cause problems?
The Emperor had overall control, but each state was ruled by different a person
Each state had slightly different laws.
Who were the Jesuits?
A group commissioned by the Catholic Church to spread and share the Catholic Church’s methods.
They were invited to states to set up schools- this happened under von Aschhausen in Bamberg.
How did tensions between the Catholics and Protestants in Bamberg increase?
Fines and restricted supplies to Protestant parishes.
Catholic troops stationed in Protestant areas.
Lutherans rounded up and executed.
How could Protestants be punished?
Faced imprisonment in Bamberg Tower.
How many witches were executed under Aschhausen?
Around 300
What law was introduced in 1610?
Anyone practicing magic would be severely punished
- It coincided with with Protestant rebellions in Bohemia
- Protestant preachers were being harboured- enhanced the link between Protestants and witchcraft
What happened between 1616-1619?
An intense period of witch hunting in Bamberg.
It ended with the moderates who were focussed on the 30 Years War.
What was the background of the Thirty Years War?
It lays in the religious divisions found in Northern Europe.
The Emperor’s desire to have more land through military gains or marriage.
How did the actions of the Emperor cause resentment?
Protestants felt like they were being targeted, especially as a result of the Counter Reformation policies.
What was the Defenestration of Prague?
A group of the Emperors representatives were thrown out of a tower window by some Protestants.
What was the economic impact of the Thirty Years War?
There was high levels of famine and many men were conscripted.
- This was combined with previous crop failures and inflation.
What was the religious impact of the Thirty Years War?
Catholics became more fanatical than ever- clear anti-Protestant theme to the witch trials.
Anyone who deviated from Orthodox Catholic practices were seen as heretics - seen to be the Devils work.
Which groups of people were targeted?
- Sexually promiscuous women
- People whose views deviated from the Catholic norm
- People with a reputation for healing and fortune telling
- Members of the upper classes (property confiscation)
What was the ‘Little Ice Age’ and what impact did this have?
A long period of cold weather that led to crop failures- especially the fruit and wine crop.
What was the level of debt and how did the prince-bishop try and solve it?
800,000 florins
The prince bishops tried to levy high taxes.
They needed the witch hunt to end the frost.
Why was there inflation and economic crisis?
Imports of silver from America start to decline.
- gold florins were used- gold content dropped to 77%.
As money lost value and crops failed and no logical understanding of the cause they looked at witchcraft.
What did the Carolina Law Code outline about witchcraft?
It was a severe crime- compared to murder, manslaughter, and homosexuality.
It wanted to unite the HRE with a law against witchcraft that could be used everywhere- prevent local jurisdiction.
What did it outline about punishment of witchcraft?
Those found guilty should be executed with fire:
- Trials should be done publicly- not done in Bamberg
- Confessions need to be backed up with evidence- not done in Bamberg
- Property could be confiscated.
What did it say about torture?
It does not specifically allow torture- unless there is other evidence
- Torture was used in Bamberg- justice to be dealt with at a local level.
How many people were targeted?
Between 600 and 900 people
72.7% of people accused were women.
Where did the hunts take begin?
Zeil, a small market town in Bamberg
- Only 7 older women were accused, most were middle aged men.
What age were the victims?
The average age was 33 ½.
There was one 9 year old boy who confessed to an elaborate plot, destroying crops and stealing wine.
How wealthy were the victims?
The upper classes were targeted as their properties could be confiscated- they also had to pay for their trials, imprisonment and execution.
What were the stories of some of the victims?
- Hans Langhans- mayor of Zeil kept a diary of the early trials, he was tortured and then confessed
- Lange Gasse (the main street in Bamberg)- 17 well respected families were targeted
- 10 members of the town council and their relatives.
Which groups of people would have benefitted from the hunts?
Rope makers, inn keepers, shop owners, lawyers, coachmen, blacksmiths.
What was hereditary guilt?
A member of a family was executed and then their family was targeted.
The Merklein and Orter families were virtually wiped out in this way.
What did the Carolina Law Code allow for?
An extensive range of torture devices, many confessions came from torture
What torture methods were used?
- Thumbscrews (also on toes)
- Strappado
- Whipping
- Sleep deprivation - room covered in spikes
- Dunking in freezing or boiling water.
Who was John Junis?
Mayor for around 20 years - he was arrested after his wife had been executed.
He wrote letters to his daughter that outline the torture he faced.
Who were von Dornheim and Forner?
- Dornheim was the Prince Bishop of Bamberg- known as the ‘Hexenbischof’.
- Forner was ‘the brains’ he understood the justification.
What was the role of von Dornheim in the witch trials?
He built a Drudenhaus- a witch prison built in 1627, it could contain 30-40 suspects at a time who would be tortured.
What was the role of Forner?
He provided the justification for the hunts:
- Protestants were no different to magicians, they were false prophets
More lethal force is needed to defeat the devil
- He made a connection between disobedience and sin, and therefore the devil and God.
What was happening before 1630?
- Complaints about innocent people executed were being sent to religious and imperial courts.
- Dornheim proclaimed that people giving false testimony would be flogged.
What happened to Dorothea Flock?
- Her husband was accused but fled, instead Dorothea was arrested.
- An appeal was put out to the Emperor but her case was rushed through- she was tried and executed in secret.
- The case was found to go against the Carolina Law Code.
What happened with the Imperial Chamber Court?
- Complaints reached them and to preserve his reputation von Dornheim sent two commissioners.
- A letter was sent to Dornheim ordering him to end the hunt.
Who was Georg Wilhelm Dumler?
Former administrator of St Martin’s Church in Bamberg who wrote to the Emperor.
What did his letter state?
- That 100s of people had been tortured and there were false accusations,
- his wife had been tortured and executed- they were both innocent Catholics
- The Carolina Law Code permitted a lawyer- this had been denied in Bamberg.
What was the impact of the letter?
Ferdinand announced he was to punish those responsible, a new commissioner was appointed and future trials were conducted strictly against the Carolina Law Code confiscation of property banned.
How big was the Swedish Army by 1532?
150,000 people- they were a massive force of Protestant support.
What happened when they arrived in Bamberg?
- They invaded and took over administration of Bamberg- Dornheim was forced to flee but not before looting cathedrals.
- Catholics were able to continue with their daily lives.
What was the impact of this?
- With a declining population, constant fighting and no prince-bishop → witch hunting was no longer a priority.
- Had to follow the Carolina Law Code.