Ballinger Et Al 2010🗂🔎 Flashcards
What does this paper focus on/ address?
A presentation of the findings of COREPOINT surveys which evaluated the extent to which the ICZM principles are addressed and interpreted across the North West European region.
The paper presents the COREPOINT survey findings where it was evaluated the extent to which the ICZM principles are addressed and interpreted across the North West European region.
What were the results? I
A mix of adherence with the EC ICZM principles at national, regional and local level. Local specificity & stakeholder engagement was promising.
Which principles provided great challenges?
Those promoting the broad holistic approach, the long term approach and adaptive management.
What did the survey demonstrate the value to?
The value of using a structured, clearly designed expert survey for proving an insight into operational aspects of the ICZM principles and provide a means of assessing ICZM progress.
What does Ballinger et al (2010)’s paper contribute to?
The ongoing European and wider debate about the principles and their evaluation.
What does this paper conclude?
The ICZM Recommendation is now dated and clearly not a hard, legislative requirement. Without such a driver EC MS will have little motivation to further ICZM.
Ballinger et al 2010 comment that ICZM could be further peripheralised with the emerging marine spatial planning systems in many MS and implementation of MSFD (2008/56/ EC) & EC Integrated Maritime Policy
Even though effects in Wales with the Marine and Acoastal aAccess a act 2009 has introduced a new era of offshore management and planning, the need of strong, coherent and integrated management approach for coastal, transitional zones of Europe is integral.