Balance and Exercise Testing Flashcards
m x V= M
Perimeter of contact w the ground
Includes AD
Vertical projection of the center of mass to the ground
Balance control
A complex motor task involving detection & integration of sensory info to assess position and motion of body in space and execute musculoskeletal responses to control body position.
- requires interaction of nervous system and musculoskeletal
3 key sensory components of balance
Visual: gaze, speed, direction of movement
Vestibular: acceleration and head position
Somatosensory: pressure, orientation, and movement of body parts, skin, muscles and joints, proprioception
Types of balance control
Sit, stand
Dynamic balance control
Move on steady surface or steady on moving surface
Automatic postural reaction (balance control)
An unexpected external push (perturbation)
Motor strategies (distal to proximal)
Ankle Weight shift, frontal plane Suspension( lower COM) Hip Stepping( limit of stability over reached) Combined
Who should be tested for balance
Elderly Weak Recent surgery Neuro impairments Amputees Kids Ppl taking more than 4 prescriptions
TUG test
Timed up and go
Chair height:44-47 cm
Stand, walk 3m, go back and sit down
4 square step test
Measure by time not quality
Both feet must touch each square
10m walk test
2m to get going Walk 10m 2 m to slow down Only time 10 m .8m/sec is normal in community
Single limb support norms
60: 22sec
70s: 15 sec
20-50: 30sec
Tinetti balance test
Task oriented test to measure older adults gait and balance abilities
- armless chair, stopwatch, 15 ft walkway
- 3 point scale 0-2
YMCA ergometer scale
Estimates VO2 max
3 or more consecutive 3min workloads to put HR@ 85% for 2 of those
3 min step test
12 in step
3 min, wait 5 sec then take the HR
Cooper 12 min walk/run test
Record distance in meters ran/walked in 12 min and determine the VO2max
VO2 max
Greatest amount of 02 that can be used at cellular level by body
Correlates w degree of physical conditioning
Bruce protocol
Use treadmill at varying degrees and grades while taking heart rate
Borg scale/ rating of perceived exertion
Subjective rating of exertion
6-22 or 0-10
Contraindications for exercise
Uncontrolled dysrhythmia Uncontrolled heart failure Recent MI Acute myocarditis Acute pulmonary embolism Aneurysm Infection Unstable angina w in month
Angina scale
1 light; barely noticeable
2 moderate, bothersome
3 very uncomfortable
4 most pain ever
6 min walk test
No encouragement Continuous course of 60m Verbal instructions Supplemental 02 can be used Pre/post test measures: HR, dyspnea, fatigue, 02 sat
Fugl Meyer assessment
Used to test stroke pts function and growth
Perform on unaffected side once then affected side 3x
Tests UMN, LMN, balance and stability, proprioception, light touch, joint ROM and joint pain.
Takes 30 min to 2 hours