Balance Flashcards
What is balance
the static or dynamic equilibrium of the body, relative to the support base. as long as the COM remains over the BOS balance Is maintained. Balance is not based on a fixed set of equilibrium reflexes but on a flexible, motor skill that can adapt with training and experience
what do we need for balance
intact sensory receptors, intact PNS and CNS to transmit, receive and process sensory information/ motor output, intact MSK system to produce movement
sensory receptors- carries 3 classes of information
exteroceptive- external environment- pain/ touch/ temp/ vision, proprioceptive- body position/ from muscle/tendon/joint capsule
interoceptive- internal pain, unconscious sensation from deep structures, vestibular
types of sensory receptors
muscle spindles- wrap around intramural fibres of skeletal muscle, detect rate and amount of stretch on muscle
Golgi tendon organs- muscle tendon junction- detects tension
joint kinaesthetic receptors- sensory endings in joint capsules similar to integument and Golgi receptors
vestibular system
located in inner ear, made up of 3 semi-circular canals and otoliths, semi circular canals pick up rotation ,nodding and side flexion. fluid in canals move and stimulate hairs that send info along nerves- as fluid moves- goes through vestibular nerve to brain
vestibular pathways
vestibular afferent synapses on the vestibular nuclei in medulla and pons and sends info to cerebellum, if we move head- lose vestibular system, if eyes and vestibular system send contrasting info to brain- leads to dizziness
need intact sensory pathway
dorsal columns- gracilis and cutaneous- touch/ position and vibrations, spinothalamic- pain and temp, spinocerebellar- proprioception
need intact sensory central processing
sensory information to sensory cortex in parietal lobe. sensory cortex perceives different parts of the body in different place- sensory homunculus
need intact motor central processing
motor cortex in the back of the frontal lobe links with the basal ganglia to produce different movements. different areas of the cortex ill stimulate different areas in the body, need intact in order to produce normal motor response, intact cerebellum that receives sensory and motor information and coordinates it, basal ganglia important- produce motor memory
elements of balance
sensory reception- vestibular/ vision. body awareness/ proprioception
central processint- sensory input to sensory cortex/ motor initiation to motor output/ cerebellar coordination
motor output- muscles- strength/ power/ tone/ joints
need intact motor pathway
corticospinal- lateral- motor info to limbs and anterior- motor info to axial muscles
vedtibulospinal- integration of head and neck and trunk with extremites
reticulospinal- lateral- facilitates flexion and inhibits extension medial does opposite
rubrospinal- controls fine movement
tectospinal- controls muscles
need intact peripheral motor system
alpha motor neurone- take sensory info to muscles, muscle strength/length/power/endurance, joint range
sensory input assessment
vestibular, vision, proprioception, somatosensory, rapid movement response, visual field, mirroring/ joint position sense, light and deep touch, sharp and blunt
central processing assessment
tone- AROm and PROM- alpha motor neurone and descending pathways
initiation of movement- AROM and function
coordination and smooth movement- FTN/HTS and function- tells us about problem with cerebellum
reactive- function
motor output assessment
tone- PROM/ reflexes, muscle strength- isometric and isotonic, joint ROM- AROM/PROM
autonomic reactions
ankle strategy- as we move somebody and challengee balance- ankles should react, hip strategy- same as ankle- hips moves to keep COG over BOS, trunk and hip right reactions, protective and saving reaction, stepping reactions, no reaction
balance mechanisms- steady state
reactive (feedback), compensatory, return stability after perturbation
balance mechanisms- proactive (feed forward)
anticipatory, learned postural adjustments before movement
function- physio role
to determine what the impairment problems are such as pain, ROM, sensation, strength, tightness, high/low tone
we can balance and walk and talk and do number of tasks that involve cognition as well as balancing. this is duel tasking and requires the ability to split out attention and still achieve the task
balance treatment- individual
through neurological assessment- identify impairments and address those problems
balance treatment- task
analyse the task such as carrying an object and workout what needs to be addressed- e.g. change the way the object is carried, change the body position, adapt the object
balance treatment- environment
determine if the environment can be changed to make the task easier e.g. raising the height of a chair to help sit to stand
balance treatment
start with impairments e.g. increase strength of quads but put into functional activity e.g. sit to stand. progress the treatment by increasing the resistance for strength training or changing the task such as carrying a lighter object or changing the environment such as standing on a more unstable surface
how to challenge balance
take away senses, reduce the BOS, raise the COG, encourage automatic reactions, add reactive or productive elements and add duel tasking
outcome measures
rombers test, timed unsupported steady stand, functional reach, 180 turn, performance orientated mobility assessment, berg balance scale, get up and go, star excursion, Y balance test