Bacteriology - Miscellaneous Bacteria Flashcards
Zoonoses (4) - Bugs From Your Pets
Brucella abortus, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis, Pasteurella multocida
Undulating fever is caused by
Brucella abortus
Source of Brucella
Unpasteurized dairy products (Unpas=Undulating fever)
DOC for brucellosis (undulating fever)
Doxycycline + rifampin
Tularemia is caused by
Franciscella tularensis
DOC for tularemia
streptomycin or gentamicin
Transmission of tularemia
TICKS (Dermacentor - same with erlichosis), Aerosols, Contact, Ingestions
Most virulent bacteria
Yersinia pestis
small, gram negative rods with bipolar staining (safety pin) - 2 answers
Yersinia pestis and Pasteurella multocida
Yersinia pestis causes
plague - bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic
Transmission of yersinia
Flea bite/inhalation
Buttery colonies with musty odor due to indole production
pasteurella multocida
Reservoir of yersinia
wild rodents
resorvoir of pasteurella
cats and dogs
transmission of pasteurella
animal bites
DOC for pasteurella
Pen G
reservoir of francisella
rabbits, deers, rodents
DOC for yersinina
Streptomycin and tetracycline
TB: Prevents leukocycte migration
Cord Factor (most impt virulence factor of TB)
TB: subpleural granuloma
Ghon’s focus
TB: Ghon’s + LN
Ghon’s complex
TB: Radiologically detectable calcification
Ranke’s complex
TB: Reactivation focus
Simon’s Focus
(+) PPD for HIV, AIDS, old TB, immunocompromised
> 5mm
(+) PPD for HR population
> 10mm
(+) PPD for LR population
> 15mm
TB: Completed DOTS -> Declared NEG -> Positive again
TB: Remained smear positive at the end or after tx
TB: tx was interrupted for 2 consecutive months
TB: Cat I - New smear positive
TB: Cat II - Relapse, Failure, Defaulter
TB: Cat III - New smear neg other than cat I, Less severe extrapulmonary TB
Other use of BCG other than for dTB
Prevention of urinary bladder CA
TB: causes pulmonary disease in AIDS patient with CD4
Mycobacterium avium-Intracellulare Complex
Fite Ferraco Staining is for…
Mycobacterium leprae (Nocardia - weakly staining also)
hypopigmented plaques, thickened superficial nerves, significant anesthesia
Tuberculoid leprosy
DOC for tuberculoid leprosy
Dapsone and rifampin
DOC for lepromatous leprosy
Dapsone, Rifampin, and clofazimine
DOC for erythema nodosum leprosum
hard, nontender swelling with sinus tracts draining SULFUR GRANULES
Actinomyces israelli
DOC for actinomyces
Pen G + Drainage
Orange colonies
Nocardia asteroides
gram positive rods with aerial hyphae
Nocardia asteroides
Nocardia asteroides
DOC for nocardia
TMP SMX + drainage
Smallest free living organism
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Autoantibodies against RED CELLS and BRAIN, LUNG, and LIVER cells
Cold Agglutinins of mycoplasma
Walking pneumonia (MCC of atypical pneumonia)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae