Bacterial Structure Flashcards
spirillum being rigid with ……….. flagella, and spirochetes being flexible with …………flagella.
2/internal (وایر تلفون)
A sexuall reproduction of prokaryotic cells is ………….whereas asexuall reproduction of eukaryotic cells is …………..
1/binary fission الأنشطار الثنائي
2/ Mitosis
…………. Is a bacterium that is found in intestine and soil and do swarming despite it has flagella
التجمهر والتحشد،اي الوقوف عن الحركة
Proteus mirabilis
only ……………..are spore- formers
Specific gram-positive rods
acid-fast stain is retained only by a few bacte- ria that have a characteristic of ……………. هذا النوع من البكتريا تبقي هذه الصبغه بينما الآخرون يتم ازالتها عنهم بواسطه محلول حمضي
lipid-rich cell wall (mycobacterium)
The flagellum is affixed to the bac teria by a …………..
basal body.
The flagella allows the bacteria a movement called …………
…………. Has periplasmic flagella
E.coli is ………….while , shigella has no flagella
من كان يظن ان البكتريا يلتصق و يعوم بواسطة ……………
Pilli قضيبه
Capsules are made of ……………… , but Bacillus anthracis, is unique in that its capsule is made up of……………
1/simple residues of sugar.
2/amino acid residues.
انثراكس ينثر الأحماض الأمينية
the most common fungus that causes serious infection worldwide.
Bacterial cell surface has ………… charge
…………staining , for those bacteria who have capsule
2 tests that enable doctors , with identifying the encapsulated bacteria
1/ negative staining
2/ quellung reaction کوێ ڵانگ