Bacterial Neurotoxins - Kozel Flashcards
Clostridium spp. are gram (pos/neg)
Clostridium spp. are (aerobic/anaerobic)
Clostridium spp. able to form….
Where are the clostridium spp. found?
soil, water, and sewage
T/F: Clostridium is part of the normal flora of the GI tract of man and animals
What is the tetanus toxoid?
A-B toxin as a single peptide
How does the tetanus toxoid make it in to the CNS?
retrograde axonal transport to the CNS
Which is the light and which is the heavy chain in the tetanus toxin?
A is light
B is heavy
Which chain from the tetanus toxoid binds to ganglioside (aka sialic acid) receptors?
B chain
the (blank) chain of tetanus is an endopeptidase
A chain
What is the function of the A chain of tetanus toxoid/
inactivates proteins that regulate release of inhibitory neurotransmitters, aka GABA
Tetanus results in (flaccid/spastic) paralysis
spastic via unregulated synaptic activity of motor neurons
What factors favor germination of tetanus spores in a wound?
necrotic tissue and poor blood supply?
Da fuck is Risus Sardonicus?
lockjaw; most common form of tetanus
The (autonomic/somatic) nervous system is affected in advanced tetanus
neonatal tetanus results from infection of the….
umbilical stump
how do you Dx tetanus?
clinical signs and history of injury
Can you culture tetanus?
hard to grow; most cultures are negative
What is in the tetanus vaccine?
toxoid of the tetanus toxin
How do you treat tetanus?
debridement of wound
T/F: there is a tetanus antitoxin
true; used to neutralize free toxin
What supportive care do you give for tetanus until synaptic function returns?
maintain airway
Benzos to prevent spasms
T/F: Both tetanus and botulism have a single peptide AB toxin
How does botulism penetrate the CNS?
absorbed from gut and carried via blood stream to peripheral nerve synapses
The (a/B) chain of botulism toxin binds to the sialic acid receptor on motor neurons
B chain
Which botulism toxin is released inside the endosome?
A chain
What is the A chain of botulinum toxin?
protease that inactivates proteins that regulates the release of ACh for excitatory synapses
Botulism produces (flaccid/spastic) paralysis
Botox is serotype (A/B) botulinum toxin
serotype A
What are the signs of foodborne botulism?
weakness, dizziness, flaccid paralysis
What is the cause of death in foodborne botulism?
respiratory paralysis
What is the cause of infant botulism?
in vivo colonization of GI tract of infants
How do you Dx botulism?
demonstrate toxin in food or patient serum or feces
Can isolate bacteria but this is RARELY done
Infant botulism is associated with the consumption of contaminated….
honey!!! that’s why you don’t give honey to kids youngers <1year
What is the most common form of botulism in the US?
infant botulism
T/F: there is a botulism anitoxin