Bacterial Growth And Multiplication Flashcards
Bavterial growth simply means
Increase in number of bacteria
Bacteria divides through
Asexual process
Eg transverse binary fission … most common used
What temperature mostly slows down or stop microbes
40F OR 5degree C
Facultative anaerobes
Can use oxygen but can grow without it
Obligate anaerobes
Die with oxygen
Obligate aerobes
Require oxygen
Ways of measuring bacterial growth
Direct : counting the numbers
Indirect: based on the bacterial effect
Example of direct method of bacterial growth
Total cell count
Dry weight estimation
Viable cell count
Examples of indirect method of bacterial growth
Turbidomertric estimation
Colorimetric estimation
Nitrogen content estimation
Carbon dioxide estimation
Cell adapting phase is what phase
( making new enzyme in response to new environment)
Lag phase
Phase of exponential growth is
Log phase
Accumulation of waste products that slows growth is at what phase
Stationary phase
Streptococci Viridans have how many group of family naming
Phase in bacteria where desire for production of products and most sensitive to drugs and radiation during this period
Log phase
Time required for bacteria cell to divide or the population to increase is called what time
Doubling time
Doubling time of most bacteria is
E.Coli doubling time is
Bacteria grows at what Ph level
6.5 - 7.5
What is a chemoheterotroph
Derives carbon and energy from organic compound
What are litoautotrouph
They rely only on inorganic source to get food
What are chemorganic
Derive energy from organic compounds
And carbon from inorganic compound s
Average time for doubling time for bacteria is
1-3 hrs