Bacterial Diseases Flashcards
What is salmonella
A type of bacteria that causes food poisoning
Can get it by eating food that’s been contaminated with salmonella bacteria. Eg chicken that caught the disease while it was alive or food that has been prepared in unhygienic conditions
What are symptoms of salmonella and what are they caused by
Fever, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea
They are caused by the toxins that the bacteria produces
How is salmonella controlled
Most poultry is given a vaccination against it
What is gonorrhoea
A STD passed on by sexual contact
Caused by bacteria
What is a symptom of gonorrhoea
Pain when urinating
Thick yellow discharge from the vagina or penis
How is gonorrhoea treated
Antibiotic called penicillin but it has become trickier now because strains of bacteria have become resistant
How is the spread of gonorrhoea prevented
Antibiotics Barrier methods (condom)