Back Muscles Flashcards
BACK MUSCLES 3 groups (in layers) with different functions?
A. SUPERFICIAL LAYER - move upper extremity (arm) B. INTERMEDIATE LAYER- Respiratory muscles (insert to ribs) C. DEEP LAYER - move trunk and back
Includes two sets of muscles: Muscles connecting vertebral
column to scapula (move scapula
through shoulder girdle joints) &
column to humerus (move humerus through shoulder joint), & include:
• Latissimus dorsi.
1. Trapezius.
2. Levator scapulae. 3. Rhomboid minor. 4. Rhomboid major.
Muscles connecting vertebral column to humerus ( move humerus through shoulder joint )
Latissimus Dorsi
Muscles connecting vertebral
column to scapula (move scapula
through shoulder girdle joints) &
- Trapezius.
2. Levator scapulae. 3. Rhomboid minor. 4. Rhomboid major.
Muscles connecting vertebral column to humerus ( move humerus through shoulder joint )
Latissimus Doris
Origin ? Insertion ? Actions? Innervation nerve?
Origin: Skull - External occipital protuberance Ligamentum nuchae Vertebrae - spines of C7, T1-T12 Insertion : Clavicle - lateral 1/3; Scapula - acromion and spine Actions: Elevates (upper fibers) and Depresses (lower fibers) Shoulder Retracts scapula
Innervation: Accessory nerve(cranial nerve 11)
Latissimus dorsi
Origin ? Insertion? Action? Nerve supply?
Origin: spines of the lower six thoracic vertebrae • Insertion: bicipital groove of humerus. • Action: extends, adducts and rotates the arm medially • Nerve supply: Thoracodorsal nerve
Levator scapulae
Origin ? Insertion? Action? Nerve supply?
• Origin:transverse processes of C1-C4 vertebrae • Insertion medial border of the scapula • Action: elevates the scapula • Nerve supply: Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
Rhomboid major and minor
Origin ? Insertion? Action? Nerve supply?
Origin: : thoracic spines Insertion: medial border of scapula. Nerve supply: dorsal scapular nerve. Actions: Retraction of scapula.
Intermediate Extrinsic Muscles
For which muscles? Innervated by? And groups?
Respiratory muscles. • Innervated by ventral (anterior) rami. • Serratus posterior group: Serratus posterior superior. Serratus posterior inferior.
Back muscles
attached to & moves ribs,
supplied by anterior rami of spinal nerves . ? Which group?
Intermediate group
Back muscles
Superficial group
Origin ? Insertion? Action? Nerve supply?
Origin: vertebral column. - Insertion: scapula (EXCEPT latissimus dorsi:
humerus) .
- Action: moves scapula (EXCEPT latissimus dorsi: moves humerus).
- Nerve supply: anterior rami of spinal nerves through brachial plexus (EXCEPT trapezius: 11 th cranial nerve).
Called muscles of the back
proper. ?
Deep Muscles of the Back
All are supplied by the
posterior primary rami of
spinal nerves. ( dorsal )
Deep Muscles of the Back
Act to maintain posture and
control movement of the
vertebral column.
Deep Muscles of the Back
Deep Muscles of the Back which gr?
Erector Spinae: Iliocostalis
Longissimus Spinalis
Deep Muscles of the Back which gr?
Rotatores Semispinalis
Deep Muscles of the Back which gr?
Auscultatory Triangle
Boundaries ?
dorsi, trapezius, and
medial border of
Auscultatory Triangle
Clinical anatomy?
Site where breath
sounds are most easily
heard with a
Lumbar Triangle boundaries?
latissimus dorsi, posterior border of external oblique muscle of the abdomen, and iliac crest.
Lumbar Triangle clinical anatomy ?
Site of an abdominal
hernia; or where pus
may emerge from the
abdominal wall.
Superficial group insertion ?
scapula (EXCEPT latissimus dorsi:
Superficial group action?
moves scapula (EXCEPT latissimus dorsi: moves humerus).
Superficial group nerve supply ?
Nerve supply: anterior rami of spinal nerves through brachial plexus (EXCEPT trapezius: 11 th cranial nerve).
If trapezius wins damaged which action can still be done ?
Retraction of scapula by Rhomboid major and minor