Bach concerto Flashcards
Types of melodies
Characterful melodies, bariolage (mvt 3)
Made up of both conjunct and disjunct motion
angular intervals (mvt 1, b 8)
Melodic devices
Sequences (mvt 1, b 73)
Changing opening intervals
Ideas tied together be cells
Non-harmony notes
Passing notes Auxiliaries suspensions anticipation 2nd mvt: rhapsodic little pattern
Overall harmony
Lots of dissonance
graeter variety of chords
greater variety of cadences
Harmonic devices and chords
Sequence Tierce de picardie (mvt 1, b 24) quicker harmonic rhythm suspensions unprepared dissonance diminished 7th (mvt 1, b 26) pedal (mvt 1, b 106)
Diatonic middle mvt in relative major pivot chords and dim 7th to modulate tierce de picardie constant modulation most of it transitory wider range of keys
Fast, slow, fast
Outer mvts ritornello
greater integration of ritornello and episodic material
use of episode ‘breaks’ in ritornello sections
Use of ritornello ‘interuptions’ in episode
use of fugal texture in last mvt ritornello
middle mvt - unusual ostinato bass refrain with rhapsodic melody over the top
Violin concerto
All orchestral parts more equal
solo violin part is more virtuoso - higher range, bariolage, string-crossing, triple-stopping (mvt 3, b 90)
More contrapuntal constant imitation (mvt 1, b 20 stretto) antiphony parts in 3rds/6ths fugal texture in last mvt middle mvt homophonic polarised (mvt 1, b 30) no continuo (mvt 2, b 5)
Tempo, metre and rhythm
1st mvt 2/4 motor rhythms anacrusis (mvt 1, b 1) middle mvt andante 4/4 final mvt 9/8 gigue rhythms
Dynamics and articulation
Some staccato and slur markings
F and p markings for ritornellos and accompanying episode parts respectively
1st mvt mood
dynamic and dramatic Fortspinnung (in 2nd mvt too) dissonance 2/4 minor tonality constant modulation fluid structure range of solo violin part motor rhythms contrapuntal writing
2nd mvt mood
calmer: C major slower tempo less going on in texture rhapsodic melody unpredictable ostinato bass
3rd mvt mood
Jolly: gigue 9/8 alegro assai fugal texture virtuoso violin part