BAC TEST Flashcards
- Completing the course will certify you for how long?
how long is your grace period after your card expires
- We have a 90 day grace period after your permit card expires
PBT stand for what?
- PBT (preliminary Breath Test Instrument)
what type of alcohol does the dragger test for
- Dragger only tests ethanol alcohol not the other types
- Ethyl Alcohol is a WHAT for the Central Nervous System?
True or false Consuming food will not prevent intoxication (includes energy drink)
what metabolizes alcohol
- Primary metabolized by the liver
how is alcohol removed from body?
- Small amounts are excreted through urine and sweat
can you speed up the process of becoming sober?
- There is no known way to increase the rate of elimination of alcohol from the human body
- No alcohol involved, or impairment is inconsistent with alcohol level
- Confirm the arrested subject has a qualifying prior offense within (HOW LONG)(mandatory booking)
10 years
blood alcohol % for people under 21
- Under 21 blood alcohol 0.020 but less than 0.080 for THC it is 0.00
Breath test is measured how
- Breath measured in g/210 L
blood is measured how
- Blood measured in g/100mL
Can the suspect request additional test??
- yes, Suspect may request additional tests
- At no point do we have to jeopardize officer safety
- Subject is required to provide two valid samples on the same instrument
- If an errors occurs the instrument (dragger) will do what?
record all data up until the point an error occurs (no document will automatically be generated)
if the suspect isn’t blowing hard enough, the officer gets to decide what?
- The Officer determines if a good faith attempt to provide a sample was made or if it is a refusal
when going over the ICW paperwork, do not what?
- Do not interpret the ICW for defendant
- Information to document when blood is taken:
1) Officer provided 2 grey top blood vials
2) Officer verified the expiration date on vials
3) Observe the staff member clean the draw site and note the cleaning solution used
4) Where was the blood drawn from? Arm, foot,left, right
5) Position of the defendant (seated, lying down)
6) Full name of the staff member drawing the blood
7) Officer shall observe the draw and note the time of the draw
When investigating figure out the drinking location because?
- Obtain and enter specific drinking location, this is how the liquor and cannabis board determines which establishments may be overserving
- DOL paper work, greater than or equal to 0.08, greater than or equal to 0.02 minors, greater than or equal 0.04 CDL refusals
- Within 72hours send a copy of report to who?