BA Flashcards
What are main areas of respiratory hazards
firefighters must be aware of?
◼ H High air temperature.
◼ O Oxygen deficiency.
◼ T Toxic atmospheres.
◼ S Smoke concentration
BA set must not be placed on an appliance or in service if the pressure in the cylinder
is less than ………………….?
250 Bar
BA Operator must not enter a fireground if pressure in the cylinder is less than ………….?
200 Bar
BA set pressure of approximately ….?….. bar, (notwithstanding a dynamic risk assessment), should be allowed for exit and decontamination activities?
100 Bar
What are the Fundamental expectations for Firefighters using BA?
- Don BA in fresh air
- Work in teams of at least 2
- Select designated fireground channel on portable radio
- Deposit tally tags at BA entry prior to entering building
- Ensure correct and relevant details on the BA tally tags.
- Collect Tally from BA entry upon exiting fire/incident
- Check low air and time out periodically
What are Precautions to take working in dark, smoke filled environment?
- Work in pairs
-Mark any unsafe areas,
-mud map in your head
-Plant and sweep, USe back of glove hot surfaces
remain close to walls when using stairs - shout ‘fire brigade continuously
What checks to we do during Change of Shift checks?
- Check battery, pressure sealing 1 min, various alarms, low pressure warning
whistle and beep. - Check hoses and straps
- Min 250 bar
Visual checks
check carrier fame, demand valve, buddy breather, control module, battery and face mask
What should you do if you are entrapped within a structure?
-Sound BS distress signal
-radio duress button
-move away from heat source
-move to an exit point
-follow hose line out
-close doors to stop spread
- Notify OIC Mayday call